It's almost impossible to imagine the utter desolation and terror,
几乎无法想象 当时的荒芜和恐怖
the complete collapse of everything you've taken for granted.
你习以为常的事物 都彻底崩毁了
How do you find bread now the bakers are all dead?
面包师都死光了 你到哪买面包
How do you find a physic now that none work?
医生已无人出诊 你向何人求治
And, at last,how do you find someone to cart away the bodies that have to be disposed of... somewhere?
最终 你上哪去找人搬运死尸呢 总得让他们入土为安吧
The bigger the city, the greater the shock.
城市越大 遭受的打击就越严重
In 1348, London had a population of close to 100,000.
1348年 伦敦有近十万人口
In the first wave of the plague,300 died every day.
第一波瘟疫来袭 每天就有300人死亡
At Spitalfields, there had long been a medieval hospital with a cemetery attached.
在斯毕塔菲尔德 有一所中世纪的医院 内有一座公墓
Within its walls, the dead were dutifully laid to rest in their individual graves, pointing east,
在它的高墙内 每位死者都被虔诚地 头朝东安葬于他们的单人坟墓中
so that come the Day of Judgement,they would rise facing Jerusalem.
以便在审判日到来时 他们能面朝耶路撒冷获得重生
But in the grip of the epidemic,there was no time for such pieties.
但在疫情肆虐的关头 已经没有时间如此虔诚
Recent excavations have turned up mass pits where bodies were pitch-forked into the dirt in obvious haste and desperation.
最近的挖掘工作发现了大规模坑洞 横七竖八的尸体 显然是绝望的人们匆匆掩埋的
Unearthed now just the way they were dumped in,they look as if they're protesting at the indignity.
现在又被横七竖八挖掘出来 就像在抗议这种侮辱性的行为