The inescapable conclusion was that the pestilence was laid on mankind as a chastisement for its manifold sins.
最后无法避免的结论就是 这场瘟疫是对人类 无尽罪孽的惩罚
Lewd necklines, lascivious dancing and shameless adultery had brought on the plague.
是下流的领口 淫荡的舞蹈 无耻的通奸 引来了这场瘟疫
It would end when the world was contrite,but it never seemed contrite enough.
如果世人能诚心忏悔 瘟疫自会结束 但忏悔似乎永远不够
In the meantime, the country was laid waste.Farms were abandoned, whole villages deserted.
在此期间 整个国家满目创痍 良田荒芜 村庄尽弃
The accounts for the Bishop of Winchester's lands at Farnham in Surrey
给萨里郡法纳姆的温彻斯特地区 主教的卷宗
tell the story of a rural society in shock.
In the first year of the Black Death, 52 households a third of the villagers - were wiped out,
在黑死病的第一年 有52户人家 即三分之一的村民遇难
given the mark "Defectus per pestilentum".
The Farnham rolls put names to the numbers,names like Matilda Stikker.
在法纳姆卷上 数字后面还附了名字 比如马蒂尔达·斯蒂克
She died, together with her entire family.
她死了 全家无一幸免
Or a servant girl, Matilda Talvin,who saw her master and his entire household succumb to the plague.
或者一个女仆 马蒂尔达·塔尔文 亲眼看着她的主人 及其整个家庭向瘟疫俯首称臣
By the time it ebbed away in 1350,1,300 had died in Farnham.
待到1350年瘟疫消退时 法纳姆死了1300人