Writing in the very different times of Queen Elizabeth,
Roger Martyn, with a mixture of pride and regret,
set out to tell future generations exactly what they were missing.
开始动笔晓示后世 他们遗失的种种
At the back of the high altar there was a goodly mount carved very artificially with the story of Christ's Passion,
在主祭台后面 放置着一个精美的底座 人工雕刻着耶稣受难的故事
all being fair, gilt and lively and beautifully set forth.
以绚丽夺目的方式 清楚生动地记述着
And at the north end of the same altar there was a goodly gilt tabernacle reaching up to the roof of the chancel,
在这座祭台的北端 放置着一尊美丽的镀金神龛 高至圣坛穹顶
in which there was one fair, large, gilt image of the Holy Trinity,besides other fine images.
穹顶上有一巨幅清晰绚丽的三位一体画作 旁边还放置着其它精美的画作
But Martyn's church was more than just a building.
但马丁笔下的教堂 不仅是一座建筑
He describes a living world of processions and festivals,
他描绘了一个鲜活的世界 囊括了宗教游行与庆典
ceremonies and rituals involving the whole community.
Above all this presided the "Management",without whom none of it made sense.
这一切活动的主持工作中 一个角色是不可或缺的
The priests, guardians of the mystery,at the heart of traditional Christian belief.
这就是牧师 神秘世界的守护者 传统基督教信仰的核心
Every time the priest celebrated communion,Christ crucified would be there in flesh and blood.
每一次牧师举行圣餐仪式 都会进行基督受刑仪式
The priest was the indispensable man,and there was no getting to Heaven but through his hands.
牧师的地位无可替代 若非经他手 人便不可能到达天堂