Like all Tyndale's work it was a pungent read.
"One king, one law, is God's ordnance in every realm," He wrote.
一王一法 此上帝予国之重器也"
In other words, the writ of the Bishop of Rome did not run in England.
换言之 罗马主教的令状 在英格兰并不生效
But Anne wasn't finished yet.With a typical mixture of conviction and self-interest,
但安妮并未就此收手 出于信仰与一己私利
she got a think tank of theologians, including Thomas Cranmer,
to come up with documents from the history of the early Church proving royal supremacy.
研究早期教会史中的文献记录 来证明皇权至高无上
The more he learnt about his supreme power,the better Henry liked it.
亨利对他无上的权利了解越深 他便越着迷
It may have begun as a tactic in political intimidation,
but now the royal supremacy seemed,on its own merits, a self-evident truth.
但现在却成为了皇权至尊 不证自明的真理
You can almost hear him clapping his hand to his head and exclaiming,
How could I have been so dull as to have missed this?
我怎么能如此愚蠢 早没注意到呢
Not surprisingly, then, around the summer of 1530,
不出所料 在1530年盛夏时节
the telling word "Imperial" begins to show up regularly in Henry's own remarks.
"帝国"这个有力的词语 开始常常出现在亨利的言谈中
Emperors, of course, acknowledge no superior on earth.
Henry's ego, never exactly a modest part of his personality,now began to bloom to imperial proportions.
亨利本就唯我独尊 毫无半点谦逊 而现在开始膨胀成了帝国的野望
And he got the palaces to house it, too,50 of them before his reign was done.
并且 他也有了盛放他野心的宫殿 五十座在他执政期间完工的宫殿
Some of the greatest and grandest had been Wolsey's,most notably Hampton Court,
当中最宏伟气派的当属沃尔西的旧产 最值得注意的便是汉普顿宫
which now became the stage for the swaggering theatre of court life.
而今成为这出宫廷生活剧 摇曳生辉的舞台