The threat was clear and the capitulation inevitable.
恐吓意味明显 教会的屈服无可避免
It came in the spring of 1532 with the so-called Submission of the Clergy,which conceded all of Henry's demands.
在1532年的春天 教会提交了 所谓的《教职界服从书》 接纳了亨利的全部要求
From now on, the laws of the church would be governed by the will of the king,
自此 教会律法要听从国王的意愿
and the king's will was clear:Divorce from Catherine, marriage to Anne,Princess Mary to be declared a bastard,
国王的意愿一目了然: 那便是同凯瑟琳离婚 迎娶安妮 玛丽公主被宣称为私生女
recognition for the unborn child that by the spring of 1533 was already swelling Anne's belly.
承认安妮1553年春天怀上的 尚未出生的婴孩
Anne was duly crowned at Westminster Abbey in May by a new Archbishop of Canterbury,the obliging Thomas Cranmer.
安妮于五月 在威斯敏斯特大教堂加冕 加冕由新的坎特伯雷大主教主持 乐于借花献佛的托马斯·克兰麦
So, a reformation of sorts, but not yet a Protestant reformation.
这次的宗教改革 尚不是新教改革
The English Church may have broken from Rome,but no core doctrines had been touched.
英格兰的教会可能已经同罗马割裂 但核心教义并未被动摇
The real presence of Christ in the mass was preserved.
大众中 基督的真容得以留存
Priests were still expected to be celibate.Prayers in the Bible were still in Latin.
教士仍旧实行独身制 《圣经》中的祷文仍旧是拉丁语
The beautiful stained glass at Fairford Church in Gloucester offended no official doctrines.
格洛斯特的费尔福德教堂美丽的彩色玻璃 也不曾触犯官方的正统
And so things might have remained, but they didn't.
也许一切依旧 但实则不然
To understand why,we need now to look at one of the most extraordinary working partnerships in British history,
为了解其中缘由 我们来关注一下英国史上最为特别的合作伙伴
Archbishop Thomas Cranmer and Thomas Cromwell,Wolsey's former enforcer and now Secretary of State.
大主教托马斯·克兰麦 和托马斯·克伦威尔 后者曾担任沃尔西的执行官 现任国务大臣