And in his quiet way,Charles burned to be a Christian warrior.
潜移默化地 查理一世成为了基督教斗士
There was also the matter of his older brother, Henry.
A champion of the joust,celebrated by the poets as a Protestant hero,
亨利是马背上王者 新教徒吟诗赞颂 视他为英雄
Henry was supposed to have been king,
but he had died when Charles was a boy,and his armour had passed on to him.
却在查理幼时英年早逝了 他的甲胄传入查理手中
It was too big.All his life, Charles would try to fit the steel,
这使命太厚重了 查理一世穷其一生试图配得上这副兵戈
try to become the gartered Charlemagne beneath the British Oak.
And this war against Spain would be his big chance.
Surely parliament would cough up the money for the great Protestant crusade.
议会自然是勉强才掏了腰包 资助新教十字军出征
Oh, yes, was the answer,but and it was a big but
好的 议会如是说 但是 语气急转直下
you see with all due respect,we don't much care for your choice of commander,the Duke of Buckingham.
恕我们直言 我们不喜欢您选中的指挥官 白金汉公爵
So while we're happy to fork over subsidies,we rather think we'll make it a short-term contract.
因此尽管我们愿意支付补贴 还是觉得应该订立短期协议为妙
Renewable, to be sure, if he turns out all right.
在证明他的可靠之后 再予续期
But parliament knew perfectly well it wouldn't.
From the start, parliament had Buckingham's number.
从一开始 议会就对他心中有数
To them,he was an upstart nobody,a peacock with a pretty face
对他们而言 他不过是个自命不凡的小人物 虚有其表的绣花枕头
who'd been promoted outrageously above the great earls of the land.