The gloves were off.Loan refusers were threatened, prosecuted.
没有了议会的阻隔 反对公债者都被恐吓并起诉
Two of them, Sir Francis Barrington and Sir Edmund Hampden died,
他们中的两人 弗朗西斯·拜灵顿爵士 和埃德蒙·汉顿爵士都被迫害
either in prison or shortly afterwards.
一人是在狱中被害 另一个随后也被杀死
Many did pay up,but their compliance spoke of fear as much as loyalty.
很多人都交税了 但是他们的顺从多是由于害怕而不是忠诚
There had always been professional grumblers when it came to tax,
but these country gentlemen were speaking a new and dangerous language.
但是这些乡绅们 有了更具威胁的怨言
No tax could be lawful without the consent of parliament, they said.
没有下议院的同意 税收是不合法的 他们如是说
The money ran out again in 1628,and Charles was forced to call another parliament.
1628年 资金又无法周转了 查理不得不再次召开议会
Speaker after speaker rose to the rostrum in defence of the liberties of England.
议员们一个一个争先恐后地 为了英国的自由现身说法
They drafted a formal list of their grievances in a Petition of Right,
他们在权利请愿书里 附加了一份正式的申诉表格
which Charles graciously conceded as the price for saving his beloved Buckingham.
查理将此看作是 拯救他亲爱的白金汉所要付出的代价
Any slight chance of Charles honouring it,and it was slight enough to begin with,
只要有一线机会 查理就会不遗余力地去做
went out of the window when later, in 1628,Buckingham was assassinated to national cheering.
机会最终还是消失了 1628年 白金汉被暗杀了 举国欢庆
Convulsed with grief and hardened by rage,Charles shut parliament down.
查理悲愤交加 他解散了议会