Surely even Charles could see that?
Surely that would be an end to the bloodshed and the country could return to reasonableness?
难道这还不能结束那段杀戮 让国家重新步入有序吗
And there were many in parliament aching for just this
a settlement that would allow Charles to keep his throne,
some kind of return to what had been on the table back in 1642.
Surely, after all the blunders and bloodshed,
the botched coups and the futile slaughters,he would do the right thing, he would share power?
拙劣的政变和无谓的厮杀之后 他还不愿意认清形势 交出部分权力吗
But Charles was constitutionally incapable of being a constitutional king.
但查理本身决定了 他做不成立宪君主
He gagged at the idea of being reduced to a subaltern monarch,taking, not giving, orders.
他不愿做听命于上尉的君主 服从而不是发布命令
The war might be over, for now,but for Charles the plotting was not.
也许战争已经告一段落 但对查尔斯来说 密谋仍在进行
For the next two years, in a bid to reverse his defeat,
接下来的两年里 查尔斯企图扭转乾坤
Charles tried to play off parliament against the army,
the army against parliament,and the Scots against both.
让军队与议会为敌 让苏格兰成为双方共同的敌人
Oliver Cromwell finally realised that as long as Charles was around,
奥利弗·克伦威尔终于意识到 只要查理还在
he was always going to be a rallying point for the discontented,and there were bound to be a lot of them.
他就必将集结那些不安现状的人 而这类人不在少数
But Cromwell was also enraged by Charles's presumption at defying the verdict of God,
同时查理肆意违抗上帝的裁决 激怒了克伦威尔
so clearly revealed at the battles of Marston Moor and Naseby.
It was evident then that King Charles had to go.
很显然 查理必须离开
Whether or not he had to die, that was another matter.
无论如何他都要死 这又是一桩大事