A petitioning campaign to demand the release of the Levellers was mobilised in London by Leveller women.
一场要求释放平等派人士的请愿运动 在伦敦发起 领导人士为平等派女性
Now for the Puritans,the cardinal virtues of women were silence and meekness.
对清教徒来说 沉默与温顺是女子的基本道德
But these women were shameless, obstinate,loud-mouthed,and, it has to admitted, brave.
这些女子却厚颜无耻 顽固不化 满口胡言 却也有着不容小觑的勇气
Leveller women had always been involved in the movement's political campaigns.
平等派女性经常 参与此类政治运动
Elizabeth Lilburne had been politicised through her efforts to spring her reckless husband from one prison or another.
伊丽莎白·李尔本通过政治努力 一次次让她鲁莽的丈夫免于牢狱之灾
Mary Overton had been brutally punished for printing and distributing her husband's tracts.
玛丽·奥弗顿曾因印制和分发 她丈夫的宣传册而遭严厉惩处
Tied to a cart and dragged through London's streets with her six-month-old baby,pelted and abused like a common whore.
连同她六个月大的孩子被拴在马车上 被拖过伦敦的大街小巷 像妓女一样 惨遭众人羞辱
But the most impassioned and articulate of the sisters was a woman called Katherine Chidley.
然而最明确而有感染力的呼声 来自一位名叫凯瑟琳·乔德莉的女子
She started as a charismatic preacher and turned to politics in an attempt to make the Commonwealth understand the particular sufferings of her sex.
她起初是一名富有感召力的传道者 进而踏足政治 意在使公众能够了解 身为女性所受的不公
Considering that we have an equal share and interest with men in the Commonwealth,and it cannot be laid waste.
女人在国家事务中 也能顶起半边天 我们的才华不能浪费
Considering that poverty, misery and famine,
想到贫穷 困苦和饥饿
like a mighty torrent, is breaking in upon us and we are not able to see our children hang upon us and cry out for bread
就像汹涌的浊流 让我们喘不过气 我们也不忍看到 我们的孩子指望着我们 哭求食物
and not have wherewithal to feed them,we had rather die than see that day!
我们却无以糊口 如此天日 生不如死