The king was crowned at Westminster on the 23rd April, 1661.
His reign was backdated to the day after his father had been beheaded.
他的统治被追溯到 他父亲上断头台的第二天
But even before the king was crowned,
there were those with long memories looking for revenge.
On January 30th, 1661,exactly 12 years after Charles I's severed head dropped into the straw,
1661年1月30日 准确来说 是在查理一世人头落地十二年后
the remains of Cromwell and the regicides were dragged from their tombs
克伦威尔及其他弑君者的遗体 被保皇派从棺中拖出
and hanged from the gallows at Tyburn before being buried in a deep pit.
于泰伯恩行刑场处以绞刑 之后被埋于深坑之中
Over the next months, eleven other king-killers were hanged, drawn and quartered.
随后数月 相继有11名弑君者 被处以绞刑 剖腹或分尸
The old Cromwellians watched all this in tactful, furtive silence.
曾经的克伦威尔追随者 则悄无声息的注视着事态发展
They wondered just how reasonable this new regime might actually be.
他们倒要看看 这种新政权怎能存活
Killing the killjoys, though, Charles knew,would not damage his popularity.
不过查理明白 除掉几个道学先生 不会影响民众支持度
Given a free vote,the people would, especially after the Major Generals,vote for pleasure over piety.
如果让民众自己选择 他们肯定会摒弃之前将军们所谓的"道义" 选择欢乐 而非虔诚