The journey to the guillotine and a world war would start with the dreams of a philosopher. But not any old philosopher.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who was buried here at Ermenonville, just outside Paris, reshaped the mental habits of an entire generation, turning them from creatures of thought to creatures of feeling.
Before Rousseau, the highest compliment you could pay anybody was to say they were reasonable.
After Rousseau, the compliment became, "Il a de l'ame" -- he has soul.
And the British couldn't get enough of it.
In the spring of 1766, Rousseau, on the run from enemies, real and imagined, pitched up in Staffordshire.
Richard Davenport moved out of his country house in the village of Wooton, so that the great man could have a comfortable asylum in which to commune with nature to his heart's content.
Rousseau could have been forgiven for expecting a warm welcome.
His two most famous books, "Emile", a manual on natural education -- no books before twelve, thinly disguised as a novel --
and -- the weepier the age -- "The New Heloise", featuring forbidden love between tutor and pupil, were smash hits among the sobbing and sighing classes.

At a distance, Rousseau may have been popular. But close up, he was a paranoid.
And in Derbyshire, he became convinced the servants were putting cinders in his soup.
In 1768, after more imagined slights, he left England. But his ideas stayed and put down deep roots among the book-crazy gentry.
Men like Brooke Boothby, one of his Derbyshire neighbours who had himself painted by the local genius Joseph Wright as a man of feeling, in tune with the rhythms of nature.
What appealed to men and women of feeling in the English provinces was Rousseau's belief that urbanity, the graces of city life,
were symptoms of everything that was rotten about the old world, the cosmetic mask behind which lurked the poxy disfigurement of a deceitful, vicious, terminally-diseased culture.
The antidote was to scrub away the mask and restore grown men and women to their true nature, the simplicity of a child.
Childhood was where Rousseau's revolution began. If it was to be properly preserved, the true nature of children had to be nourished, literally, from the breast.
Since babies took their moral as well as their physical sustenance from their mother's milk, it had better be their own mother's milk.
Professional wet nurses might contaminate them with vice and disease. So the virtuous, wholesomely patriotic life began at the nursing nipple.