In 1769, the year that Oliver Goldsmith was writing his poem, a military officer with a social conscience, Philip Thicknesse, published a horrifying account of four persons starved to death in a poorhouse at Datchworth.
To most complacent Britons, this was supposed to happen in rat-infested corners of the continent, not in Hertfordshire.
For those who had eyes to see beyond the railings of their parklands, two painful questions presented themselves about the real state of the British countryside.
What was to be done and who was to blame? Was it the responsibility of the Church?
Had the Church grown too fat, too respectable, too indifferent to its duties towards the unfortunate?
Or was it a matter for the absentee land-owning gentry, whose estates were being run by hard-nosed men with an eye to bottom-line profit?
Or was it wrong to think in terms of what had once been?
Was that just applying a coat of whitewash to a building that was fundamentally rotten from top to bottom? Was the answer not charity, but politics?
Thomas Bewick certainly thought so. As a child outside Newcastle, he didn't need Rousseau to tell him about the freedom of fresh air.
Bewick had played truant from school, and instead of filling his slate with improving knowledge, he'd filled it compulsively with drawings,
finding his way instinctively towards his vocation as the first great illustrator of British natural history.
What's more, Bewick's pictures weren't just meant for a gentleman's library.
Ordinary people wanted a little book packed with images of the birds and animals of the British Isles.
But Bewick was looking at something else, too.
Snuggled between the plover and a waxwing was a portrait of his world, rain-soaked Northumberland, a tough, dark, gritty place, a world in a lot of pain.
In his churchyards, dogs snarl. By his roadsides, poor bastards break rocks. In his garrets, blind old paupers slurp soup.

All this made Thomas Bewick very angry. All this made Thomas Bewick a radical.
In Newcastle, he mixed in debating clubs with men like himself, educated artisans, tradesmen and professionals passionate in their devotion to liberty.
It is by the good conduct and consequent character of the great mass of the people that a nation is exalted.
And what fired Bewick's radicalism wasn't just anger.
It was an emotion new to politics -- sympathy, what moved him was an overwhelming feeling for the victims of injustice, poverty and suffering; a recognition that deep down, we are all bonded by our shared human nature.
It was a call to action echoed in pulpits up and down the country.
How could you feel the suffering of the others and not want to do all in your power to remedy it?
For the first time, there was a politics of suffering, one that could no longer turn a blind eye to the plight of children, the aged, the sick and the poor.
Yet bigwigs did turn a blind eye. They believed that the Glorious Revolution of 1688 had sent James II and his Catholic despotism packing, and given birth to a land of the free.
In 1788, with a 100th anniversary upon them, how tempting it was to continue patting themselves on the back as being the most enlightened country in the world.
But for the likes of Bewick and his friends, there was nothing to be complacent about.
The real problem of the Glorious Revolution, the radicals argued, was its hijacking by scoundrels who'd perverted it to satisfy their own greed and ambition.
They packed parliament with sycophants placement and they sold their vote to pay their tailor's bill.
The real forgotten lesson of 1688 was that the people were entitled to resist, entitled to change their government, entitled the kind of sovereign that understood the reality of a limited monarchy.