If the memory of that first revolution was going to mean anything, a second revolution, of justice, would have to make good on its promise.
Then, in Paris on July 14, 1789, the world would learn just how limited a monarchy could be.
The Bastille fell and nothing was the same again.
Though the fortress had just eight prisoners in it, its eight grim towers and cannon pointing into the city had become an emblem of everything detestable about the old absolute monarchy.
In Bewick's world, toasts were drunk to the dawn on a new age of real liberty and the fall of despots.
And it was noticed that it had been ordinary people, armed with muskets and slogans, who had stormed the citadel.
The inspiring moral was that the people, if pushed too far, could and would take back their rights. Monarchy would be demolished.
So when Dr. Richard Price, from his Unitarian pulpit in London, congratulated King George III for recovering his sanity,
he had the cheek to warn him that unless he came to his political senses, he too would go the way of Louis XVI.
May you be led to such a sense of the nature of your situation to consider yourself more properly the servant than the sovereign of the people.

To the young, dressing down a king in the name of liberty was a heady pleasure.
William Wordsworth had been born in the Lake District, across the Pennines from Bewick.
He, too, had grown up in love with nature. Now that love would extend to all of downtrodden humanity.
In 1790, on the first anniversary of the fall of the Bastille, at the age of 19, Wordsworth found himself in France.
What he saw there, he described as, "Human nature, seeming born again."
Unhoused beneath the evening star, we saw dances of liberty. And in late hours of darkness, dances in the open air.
We rose at signal given and formed a ring and hand in hand, danced round and round the board.
All hearts were open. Every tongue was loud with amity and glee.
We bore a name honoured in France -- the name of Englishmen -- and, hospitably, they did give us hail as their forerunners in a glorious cause.