Deep inside your closet hangs an old friend: your favorite jeans. The ones you once lived in that you haven’t worn in ages because it’s too much eff ort to stuff yourself inside them. The following workout is designed to fi rm your butt, tone your thighs, tighten your core, and zap your love handles1. In short, you’ll pare2 down the problem spots that are coming between you and your much-loved denim.
Half-Seated Leg Circle
Sit on the floor with your legs fully extended, leaning back on your elbows, your ngers cupping3 the sides of your hips. Keeping your lower back pressed into the fl oor, engage your core and lift your legs about 45 degrees. Point your toes, press your thighs together, and trace 12 large clockwise circles, then 12 counterclockwise circles.
双腿完全伸展坐在地上,向后倚,以肘部支撑,手指屈拢成杯状放在臀部两侧。下背部紧贴地面,锻炼核心肌群, 双腿抬起约45 度。脚趾绷直, 大腿紧靠在一起,顺时针画 12 个大圆圈,然后再逆时针画12 个圆圈。