导读:随着大量的日志、照片被上传到社交网站(social networking),在掌握他人动态同时,自己的个人信息也悄无声息地泄露出去,其中有不便透露的隐私,其中也有事关银行账号的密码提示,总之网络社交平台并不安全,我们又要如何去保护个人隐私呢?
Facebook, Google, MySpace, Twitter, the proliferation of social networking means more personal information are accessible to strangers than ever before.
As attitudes to privacy are starting to change, here is a short list of some ways to protect your privacy online:
1) personalised search engine optimisation - strange as it may seem, people are willing to pay for experts to alter position of their name in Google`s listings as it is typed. The method keeps the bad news private.