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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"I can't either," said Arthur, who felt it was time he began to assert himself.“我也不会。”阿瑟说,他认为现在才到他出头的时候。
"I'd guessed that," said Zaphod. "OK computer, I want full manual control now."“我猜也是。”赞福德说,“好的,电脑,现在我需要全手动控制。”
"You got it," said the computer.“请吧。”电脑说。
Several large desk panels slid open and banks of control consoles sprang up out of them, showering the crew with bits of expanded polystyrene packaging and balls of rolled-up cellophane: these controls had never been used before.几张巨大的面板滑开,一排控制台在他们面前弹出来,上面还包着聚苯乙烯袋子和玻璃纸:这套控制系统从来没用过。
Zaphod stared at them wildly.赞福德近乎疯狂地瞪着这些东西。
"OK, Ford," he said, "full retro thrust and ten degrees starboard. Or something ..."“好的,福特。”他说,“全力启动制动火箭,右舷10度。或者别的什么……”
"Good luck guys," chirped the computer, "impact minus thirty seconds ..."“祝你们好运,伙计们。”电脑唧唧喳喳地说,“距离撞击还有30秒……”
Ford leapt to the controls — only a few of them made any immediate sense to him so he pulled those. The ship shook and screamed as its guidance rocked jets tried to push it every which way simultaneously. He released half of them and the ship span round in a tight arc and headed back the way it had come, straight towards the oncoming missiles.福特扑到控制台前——只有几个操纵杆他隐隐约约能猜出是干什么的,于是他把这些操纵杆一阵猛拽。飞船开始摇晃、尖叫,仿佛导航火箭要同时把它推向各个方向。他松开一半操纵杆,于是飞船掉转头驶去,正好直直地对着呼啸而来的导弹。
Air cushions ballooned out of the walls in an instant as everyone was thrown against them. For a few seconds the inertial forces held them flattened and squirming for breath, unable to move. Zaphod struggled and pushed in manic desperation and finally managed a savage kick at a small lever that formed part of the guidance system.船上的人摔向墙壁,气垫立即从墙上弹出来,做应急保护。好几秒的时间内,惯性的压力让他们透不过气来,动弹不得。赞福德绝望地疯狂挣扎着,最后总算一脚踢中导航系统中一根小小的控制杆。
The lever snapped off. The ship twisted sharply and rocketed upwards. The crew were hurled violently back across the cabin. Ford's copy of The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy smashed into another section of the control console with the combined result that the guide started to explain to anyone who cared to listen about the best ways of smuggling Antarean parakeet glands out of Antares (an Antarean parakeet gland stuck on a small stick is a revolting but much sought after cocktail delicacy and very large sums of money are often paid for them by very rich idiots who want to impress other very rich idiots), and the ship suddenly dropped out of the sky like a stone.控制杆啪的一声折断了。飞船剧烈摇晃起来,然后开始向上爬升。船上的人重重倒在舱内。福特的(银河系漫游指南》飞出去砸碎了控制台的一部分,它自己则开始介绍起如何从心宿二向外走私心宿二长尾鹦鹉腺来(心宿二长尾鹦鹉腺粘在一根细棍上,是一种恶心但很珍贵的鸡尾酒调制工具。一些有钱的蠢蛋通常愿意为此花一大笔钱,用来向另一些有钱的蠢蛋炫耀)。飞船突然又像一粒石子一样从空中直坠下去。
It was of course more or less at this moment that one of the crew sustained a nasty bruise to the upper arm. This should be emphasized because, as had already been revealed, they escape otherwise completely unharmed and the deadly nuclear missiles do not eventually hit the ship. The safety of the crew is absolutely assured.很自然,差不多就是在这个时候,飞船船员中有一个人的前臂撞出了一块瘀伤。这一点必须强调指出,因为如前所述,他们安全地逃脱了,除这块瘀伤之外没有其他伤亡。核导弹并没有击中飞船,船员们的安全现在绝对得到了保障。
"Impact minus twenty seconds, guys ..." said the computer.“距离撞击还有20秒,伙计们……”电脑还在汇报。

"I can't either," said Arthur, who felt it was time he began to assert himself.
"I'd guessed that," said Zaphod. "OK computer, I want full manual control now."
"You got it," said the computer.
Several large desk panels slid open and banks of control consoles sprang up out of them, showering the crew with bits of expanded polystyrene packaging and balls of rolled-up cellophane: these controls had never been used before.
Zaphod stared at them wildly.
"OK, Ford," he said, "full retro thrust and ten degrees starboard. Or something ..."
"Good luck guys," chirped the computer, "impact minus thirty seconds ..."
Ford leapt to the controls — only a few of them made any immediate sense to him so he pulled those. The ship shook and screamed as its guidance rocked jets tried to push it every which way simultaneously. He released half of them and the ship span round in a tight arc and headed back the way it had come, straight towards the oncoming missiles.
Air cushions ballooned out of the walls in an instant as everyone was thrown against them. For a few seconds the inertial forces held them flattened and squirming for breath, unable to move. Zaphod struggled and pushed in manic desperation and finally managed a savage kick at a small lever that formed part of the guidance system.
The lever snapped off. The ship twisted sharply and rocketed upwards. The crew were hurled violently back across the cabin. Ford's copy of The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy smashed into another section of the control console with the combined result that the guide started to explain to anyone who cared to listen about the best ways of smuggling Antarean parakeet glands out of Antares (an Antarean parakeet gland stuck on a small stick is a revolting but much sought after cocktail delicacy and very large sums of money are often paid for them by very rich idiots who want to impress other very rich idiots), and the ship suddenly dropped out of the sky like a stone.
It was of course more or less at this moment that one of the crew sustained a nasty bruise to the upper arm. This should be emphasized because, as had already been revealed, they escape otherwise completely unharmed and the deadly nuclear missiles do not eventually hit the ship. The safety of the crew is absolutely assured.
"Impact minus twenty seconds, guys ..." said the computer.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
sustained [səs'teind]


adj. 持久的,经久不衰的

crew [kru:]


n. 全体船员,全体乘务员,(一组)工作人员

lever ['lev]


n. 杠杆,似杠杆之工具
vt. 撬开,使用杠

galaxy ['gæləksi]


n. 银河,一群显赫之人

simultaneously [saiməl'teiniəsli]


adv. 同时地(联立地)

escape [is'keip]


v. 逃跑,逃脱,避开
n. 逃跑,逃脱,(逃

stick [stik]


n. 枝,杆,手杖
vt. 插于,刺入,竖起<

twisted ['twistid]


adj. 扭曲的 v. 扭动(twist的过去式)

savage ['sævidʒ]


adj. 野性的,凶猛的,粗鲁的,荒野的

absolutely ['æbsəlu:tli]


adv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地





