Looking out from his office window in Taipei with a cigarette dangling from his lips, Taiwanese auteur Chang Tso-chi says there is no better place to learn about courage than from the top of a tree.
从他的台北办公室窗户往外望去,嘴里叼着香烟,台湾导演张作骥(Chang Tso-chi)说,树顶是最能懂得勇敢的意义的地方。
Most humans 'have a fear of heights,' he says, 'but the view from the top is often vastly different than what you see at the ground.'
Mr. Chang, who grew up in the countryside in southern Taiwan, recalls how he and his friends would climb trees in their bare feet. 'The mountains were our playground, and the drainage ditch next to my home was so clean that we often swam to school,' he says.
张作骥在台湾南部乡村长大,他想起小时候经常和朋友光着脚一起爬树的情形。他说,那些山就是我们的游乐场,我家旁的排水沟里的水特别干 ,所以我们经常游泳去学校。
This strong sense of nostalgia for a simple childhood, free of tablet computers and online games, is the primary motivation behind his latest coming-of-age film, 'A Time in Quchi,' which completes Mr. Chang's trilogy on the family following 'How Are You, Dad?' (2009) and 'When Love Comes' (2010).
这段远离平板电脑和在线游戏的简单童年勾起他强烈的怀旧情绪,而这正是他拍摄以成长为主题的最新电影《暑假作业》(A Time in Quchi)的背后初衷。该片是继2009年《爸…你好吗?》(How Are You, Dad?)和2010年《当爱来的时候》(When Love Comes)之后的家庭三部曲的最后一部。
'A Time in Quchi' opens with Bao, a long-faced 10-year-old boy from a well-to-do family, riding in the backseat of his father's car. Bao is being shipped off from the city to spend the summer with his recently widowed grandfather in Quchi, a mountainous community outside Taipei, while his parents work out details of their divorce.
At first, Bao (played by Yang Liang-yu) hates his new life without Wi-Fi and television and for having to live with his strict grandfather, who remembers his deceased wife by drawing her face on a rock. Bao's disdain for the countryside is compounded by a lack of friends. While other kids keep active by climbing trees and catching insects, Bao remains earthbound, tethered by his tablet.
Bao's fortunes take a turn when he eventually makes friends with classmates in the school of 27 students. From there, he slowly matures from a boy obsessed with electronic gadgets to a young man who learns the value of love, friendship and letting go.
'I know kids enjoy the film because they think it's hilarious, but my target audience isn't the kids -- it's the adults,' Mr. Chang says. 'Just because your children live with you, how well do you really know them -- and do know what they are thinking?'
As a father of a 14-year-old boy, Mr. Chang says he, too, was one of those parents who spent more time with work than with his son, recalling one instance when he saw an unfamiliar young man's back while on the set of the film and wondering who the stranger was. 'I didn't realize it was my son until he turned around.'
That was a wake-up call for Mr. Chang, the director of a film about the gap between parents and their children.
Mr. Chang says the purpose of his film isn't to guilt-trip working parents, but to shed light on the challenges faced by those who struggle with caring for aging parents and raising children -- and the communication breakdown in families, despite all the modern conveniences designed to bring people closer.
The director -- who has been in the film industry for more than 25 years and has won several major awards, including a Golden Horse award for best feature film for 'When Love Comes' -- says filmmakers should do more to use movies as a conduit to highlight the struggles facing society's underdogs.
'I never offer any solutions in my movies, but what I do is point out the problems,' he says. 'I feel I have a duty to make sure their stories are told and their existence is acknowledged.'
Mr. Chang says his next film, which he also wrote, will center on the struggles of modern men, including the relationship between a male sex worker and a studious son who comes to the realization that all of his academic pursuits were for his mother and not for himself. (The film, which doesn't yet have an English-language title, is scheduled for completion by the end of this month. A release date hasn't been announced.)
'A Time in Quchi,' which opened Friday in Taiwan, has screened at several international festivals, including Vancouver, London and Busan.