4. 永恒的创新
Delhi's history is extraordinary and its monuments are glorious, from the Qutub Minar, a 12-century minaret, and Jama Masjid, one of India's largest mosques, to the hundreds of smaller relics dotted around the city that risk extinction. But the capital has also been constantly rebuilt, relocated, recycled, and colored by waves of migration.
德里的历史非同寻常,纪念遗迹也非常辉煌,包括12世纪的顾特卜塔(Qutub Minar)、印度最大的清真寺之一贾玛清真寺(Jama Masjid),还有数百处散落在城市各处、面临消失危险的小规模遗迹。但这座首都也持续在重建、迁移、回收循环并受到移民浪潮的影响。
The result is endless novelty.
Bored of your local shops? Don't worry, they'll be totally different in a week. Had enough of your semi-legal house? No problem-a major sporting event is coming up, so it'll be torn down next Tuesday. Unless you're middle-class, that is.