9. 危险重重
Life is never less than exciting in Delhi. It is periodically shaken by earthquakes, dengue and dust storms, and invaded by savage monkeys. Every car journey is a game of chicken. Aunties pack pistols in case they should suffer an outbreak of road rage. This is a city, lest we forget, which in which in 2001 witnessed mass panic over alleged attacks by a murderous cyborg 'monkey-man.'
德里的生活从来不缺少刺激。它偶尔会受到地震、登革热和沙尘暴的侵袭,还会遭到野猴子的袭击。每次开车都是“看谁是胆小鬼”的博弈(game of chicken)。大妈们会准备好手枪,以防路怒症爆发。别忘了,这是一座2001年所谓的“猴人”袭人事件造成大规模恐慌的城市。
Once my friend found a tooth embedded in the auto seat next to her. A human tooth. I rest my case.