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Mr Toots gave Captain Cuttle his hand upon it, then and there; and the Captain with a pleasant and gracious show of condescension, bestowed his acquaintance upon him formally. Mr Toots seemed much relieved and gladdened by the acquisition, and chuckled rapturously during the remainder of his visit. The Captain, for his part, was not ill pleased to occupy that position of patronage, and was exceedingly well satisfied by his own prudence and foresight.

But rich as Captain Cuttle was in the latter quality, he received a surprise that same evening from a no less ingenuous and simple youth, than Rob the Grinder. That artless lad, drinking tea at the same table, and bending meekly over his cup and saucer, having taken sidelong observations of his master for some time, who was reading the newspaper with great difficulty, but much dignity, through his glasses, broke silence by saying -卡特尔船长的后一种性格虽然十分突出,可是这一天晚上他却从磨工罗布这样憨厚、纯朴的年轻人那里遇到一件意外的事情。这位老实的小伙子跟船长坐在同一张桌子旁边喝着茶;船长戴上眼镜,极为费劲、但神情却十分尊严地读着报纸;罗布向他带托的茶杯温顺地低下头,并斜眼对他主人观察了一些时候之后,打破沉默,说道:
'Oh! I beg your pardon, Captain, but you mayn't be in want of any pigeons, may you, Sir?'“啊!请原谅,船长,不过,也许您需要鸽子吧,是不是,先生?”
'No, my lad,' replied the Captain.“不需要,我的孩子,”船长回答道。
'Because I was wishing to dispose of mine, Captain,' said Rob.“因为我想把我的鸽子给处理掉,船长,”罗布说道。
'Ay, ay?' cried the Captain, lifting up his bushy eyebrows a little.“啊,真的吗?”船长稍稍扬起他那浓密的眉毛,喊道。
'Yes; I'm going, Captain, if you please,' said Rob.“是的,我要走了,船长,如果您允许的话,”罗布说道。
'Going? Where are you going?' asked the Captain, looking round at him over the glasses.“走了?你要上哪里去?”船长转过头,越过眼镜,看着他,问道。
'What? didn't you know that I was going to leave you, Captain?' asked Rob, with a sneaking smile.“怎么?难道您不知道我要离开您吗,船长?”罗布胆怯心虚地微笑了一下,问道。
The Captain put down the paper, took off his spectacles, and brought his eyes to bear on the deserter.船长放下报纸,摘掉眼镜,一动不动地注视着这位要抛弃他的人。
'Oh yes, Captain, I am going to give you warning. I thought you'd have known that beforehand, perhaps,' said Rob, rubbing his hands, and getting up. 'If you could be so good as provide yourself soon, Captain, it would be a great convenience to me. You couldn't provide yourself by to-morrow morning, I am afraid, Captain: could you, do you think?'“啊是的,船长,我正想事先告诉您。我原以为,您也许早已知道了,”罗布搓着手,站起来,说道,”如果您肯行个好,很快找到另一位仆人的话,那么,船长,那对我将会是极大的方便。我担心,您明天早上找不到什么人吧,船长,您认为您能找到吗?”
'And you're a going to desert your colours, are you, my lad?' said the Captain, after a long examination of his face.“这么说,你是打算变换旗号了,是不是,我的孩子?”船长长久地细细看着他的脸孔之后,说道。
'Oh, it's very hard upon a cove, Captain,' cried the tender Rob, injured and indignant in a moment, 'that he can't give lawful warning, without being frowned at in that way, and called a deserter. You haven't any right to call a poor cove names, Captain. It ain't because I'm a servant and you're a master, that you're to go and libel me. What wrong have I done? Come, Captain, let me know what my crime is, will you?'“啊,船长,您对待年轻小伙子太严厉了,”心地温厚的罗布片刻间感到又委屈又愤怒,喊道,”他规规矩矩地预先告诉您,可是您却那么皱着眉头,看着他,还骂他是个变节的人。船长,您没有任何权利辱骂一个可怜的年轻人。不能因为我是仆人,您是主人,您就来诽谤我。我做了什么不好的事啦?您说吧,船长,请您告诉我,我犯了什么罪了,好不好?”
The stricken Grinder wept, and put his coat-cuff in his eye.伤心的磨工大哭起来,并用外衣袖口擦着眼睛。

Mr Toots gave Captain Cuttle his hand upon it, then and there; and the Captain with a pleasant and gracious show of condescension, bestowed his acquaintance upon him formally. Mr Toots seemed much relieved and gladdened by the acquisition, and chuckled rapturously during the remainder of his visit. The Captain, for his part, was not ill pleased to occupy that position of patronage, and was exceedingly well satisfied by his own prudence and foresight.
But rich as Captain Cuttle was in the latter quality, he received a surprise that same evening from a no less ingenuous and simple youth, than Rob the Grinder. That artless lad, drinking tea at the same table, and bending meekly over his cup and saucer, having taken sidelong observations of his master for some time, who was reading the newspaper with great difficulty, but much dignity, through his glasses, broke silence by saying -
'Oh! I beg your pardon, Captain, but you mayn't be in want of any pigeons, may you, Sir?'
'No, my lad,' replied the Captain.
'Because I was wishing to dispose of mine, Captain,' said Rob.
'Ay, ay?' cried the Captain, lifting up his bushy eyebrows a little.
'Yes; I'm going, Captain, if you please,' said Rob.
'Going? Where are you going?' asked the Captain, looking round at him over the glasses.
'What? didn't you know that I was going to leave you, Captain?' asked Rob, with a sneaking smile.
The Captain put down the paper, took off his spectacles, and brought his eyes to bear on the deserter.
'Oh yes, Captain, I am going to give you warning. I thought you'd have known that beforehand, perhaps,' said Rob, rubbing his hands, and getting up. 'If you could be so good as provide yourself soon, Captain, it would be a great convenience to me. You couldn't provide yourself by to-morrow morning, I am afraid, Captain: could you, do you think?'
'And you're a going to desert your colours, are you, my lad?' said the Captain, after a long examination of his face.
'Oh, it's very hard upon a cove, Captain,' cried the tender Rob, injured and indignant in a moment, 'that he can't give lawful warning, without being frowned at in that way, and called a deserter. You haven't any right to call a poor cove names, Captain. It ain't because I'm a servant and you're a master, that you're to go and libel me. What wrong have I done? Come, Captain, let me know what my crime is, will you?'
The stricken Grinder wept, and put his coat-cuff in his eye.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
silence ['sailəns]


n. 沉默,寂静
vt. 使安静,使沉默

remainder [ri'meində]


n. 剩余物,其他的人,残余
vt. 廉价出售

dignity ['digniti]


n. 尊严,高贵,端庄

ingenuous [in'dʒenjuəs]


adj. 坦白的,正直的,天真的

occupy ['ɔkjupai]


vt. 占领,占用,占据,使忙碌,使从事

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

patronage ['pætrənidʒ]


n. 赞助,光顾,任免权

prudence ['pru:dəns]


n. 审慎,慎重,精心明辨

foresight ['fɔ:sait]


n. 远见,深谋远虑

dispose [di'spəuz]


vt. 倾向于,处置
vi. 销毁





