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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

'You know how different I am. You see me looking on you now, and you can read the warmth of passion for you that is breathing in my face.' Not a curl of the proud lip, not a flash of the dark eye, nothing but the same intent and searching look, accompanied these words. 'You know my general history. You have spoken of my mother. Do you think you can degrade, or bend or break, me to submission and obedience?'

Mr Dombey smiled, as he might have smiled at an inquiry whether he thought he could raise ten thousand pounds.董贝先生就像有人问他能不能筹集一万英镑时他会微笑的那样,微笑了一下。
'If there is anything unusual here,' she said, with a slight motion of her hand before her brow, which did not for a moment flinch from its immovable and otherwise expressionless gaze, 'as I know there are unusual feelings here,' raising the hand she pressed upon her bosom, and heavily returning it, 'consider that there is no common meaning in the appeal I am going to make you. Yes, for I am going;' she said it as in prompt reply to something in his face; 'to appeal to you.'“如果这里有什么不寻常的东西,”她轻轻地把手在眼前挥了挥,继续说道;她的眼睛仍然一动不动、毫无表情地注视着,没有片刻畏缩过,”正像我知道的那样,这里有些不寻常的感情,”她把压在胸前的手举起来,又沉重地落回到胸前,”那么就请体谅:在我将要向您提出的请求中有某些不寻常的意义。是的,”她说道,好像是在迅速回答他脸上出现的某些表情,”我将要向您提出请求。”
Mr Dombey, with a slightly condescending bend of his chin that rustled and crackled his stiff cravat, sat down on a sofa that was near him, to hear the appeal.董贝先生带着几分宽厚的表情把下巴低下一点,他的硬挺的领带因此就发出沙沙的、劈劈拍拍的声响;在这同时,他在近旁的沙发上坐下,听她提出的请求。
'If you can believe that I am of such a nature now,' - he fancied he saw tears glistening in her eyes, and he thought, complacently, that he had forced them from her, though none fell on her cheek, and she regarded him as steadily as ever, - 'as would make what I now say almost incredible to myself, said to any man who had become my husband, but, above all, said to you, you may, perhaps, attach the greater weight to it. In the dark end to which we are tending, and may come, we shall not involve ourselves alone (that might not be much) but others.'“我是这样一种性格的人,”他觉得他看到在她眼中闪耀着泪水;虽然没有一滴流下到脸颊上,她仍像刚才一样一动不动地注视着他,可是他却得意地想到,这泪水是他使她涌出来的,”这一点连我自己也难以相信,我对成为我丈夫的任何人(特别是对您)说了的话,我是决心照办的;如果您现在能相信这一点,那么您也许会对我说的话重视一些。我们正在走向一个可能来临的结局,它不仅将影响到我们自己(这一点倒并不重要),而且还将影响到其他人。”
Others! He knew at whom that word pointed, and frowned heavily.其他人!他知道这是指谁,于是深深地皱着眉头。
'I speak to you for the sake of others. Also your own sake; and for mine. Since our marriage, you have been arrogant to me; and I have repaid you in kind. You have shown to me and everyone around us, every day and hour, that you think I am graced and distinguished by your alliance. I do not think so, and have shown that too. It seems you do not understand, or (so far as your power can go) intend that each of us shall take a separate course; and you expect from me instead, a homage you will never have.'“我是为了其他人的缘故,也是为了您本人和我自己的缘故,对您说话的。我们结婚以来,您傲慢地对待我,我也以同样的态度回敬了您。您每天每个小时问我,并向我们周围的每一个人显示:您认为您跟我结婚使我得到了荣誉,提高了地位。我并不认为是这样,而且也把这一点显示了出来。您似乎并不了解或作出这样的打算(因为这是属于您的权力范围以内的事):我们每个人应当各走各的路;相反的,您希望我对您俯首听命,而这是您永远也得不到的。”
Although her face was still the same, there was emphatic confirmation of this 'Never' in the very breath she drew.虽然她脸上的表情丝毫没有变化,可是当她换气的时候,这”永远”两个字是加强了语气、有力地说出来的。
'I feel no tenderness towards you; that you know. You would care nothing for it, if I did or could. I know as well that you feel none towards me. But we are linked together; and in the knot that ties us, as I have said, others are bound up. We must both die; we are both connected with the dead already, each by a little child. Let us forbear.'“我对您没有任何亲切的感情;这您是知道的。如果我曾经怀有或者能够怀有这样的感情的话,那么您也根本不会放在心上。我同样清楚地知道,您对我也没有任何这种亲切的感情。可是我们结合在一起了,而且我已经说过,把我们联系在一起的纽结,把其他人也拴进来了。我们两人迟早都将死去;我们两人都早已跟死去的人联系着,每个人都失去了一个小男孩。让我们相互宽容吧。”
Mr Dombey took a long respiration, as if he would have said, Oh! was this all!董贝先生深深地吸了一口气,仿佛要想说:”唔!这就是所有您要说的话吗?”

'You know how different I am. You see me looking on you now, and you can read the warmth of passion for you that is breathing in my face.' Not a curl of the proud lip, not a flash of the dark eye, nothing but the same intent and searching look, accompanied these words. 'You know my general history. You have spoken of my mother. Do you think you can degrade, or bend or break, me to submission and obedience?'
Mr Dombey smiled, as he might have smiled at an inquiry whether he thought he could raise ten thousand pounds.
'If there is anything unusual here,' she said, with a slight motion of her hand before her brow, which did not for a moment flinch from its immovable and otherwise expressionless gaze, 'as I know there are unusual feelings here,' raising the hand she pressed upon her bosom, and heavily returning it, 'consider that there is no common meaning in the appeal I am going to make you. Yes, for I am going;' she said it as in prompt reply to something in his face; 'to appeal to you.'
Mr Dombey, with a slightly condescending bend of his chin that rustled and crackled his stiff cravat, sat down on a sofa that was near him, to hear the appeal.
'If you can believe that I am of such a nature now,' - he fancied he saw tears glistening in her eyes, and he thought, complacently, that he had forced them from her, though none fell on her cheek, and she regarded him as steadily as ever, - 'as would make what I now say almost incredible to myself, said to any man who had become my husband, but, above all, said to you, you may, perhaps, attach the greater weight to it. In the dark end to which we are tending, and may come, we shall not involve ourselves alone (that might not be much) but others.'
Others! He knew at whom that word pointed, and frowned heavily.
'I speak to you for the sake of others. Also your own sake; and for mine. Since our marriage, you have been arrogant to me; and I have repaid you in kind. You have shown to me and everyone around us, every day and hour, that you think I am graced and distinguished by your alliance. I do not think so, and have shown that too. It seems you do not understand, or (so far as your power can go) intend that each of us shall take a separate course; and you expect from me instead, a homage you will never have.'
Although her face was still the same, there was emphatic confirmation of this 'Never' in the very breath she drew.
'I feel no tenderness towards you; that you know. You would care nothing for it, if I did or could. I know as well that you feel none towards me. But we are linked together; and in the knot that ties us, as I have said, others are bound up. We must both die; we are both connected with the dead already, each by a little child. Let us forbear.'
Mr Dombey took a long respiration, as if he would have said, Oh! was this all!

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flinch [flintʃ]


v. 畏缩,退缩,畏首畏尾 n. 退缩,逃避

knot [nɔt]


n. 结,节
vi. 打结

unusual [ʌn'ju:ʒuəl]


adj. 不平常的,异常的

submission [səb'miʃən]


n. 服从,柔和,提交

immovable [i'mu:vəbl]


adj. 固定的,不动的,无法改变的,无感情的

incredible [in'kredəbl]


adj. 难以置信的,惊人的

attach [ə'tætʃ]


v. 附上,系上,贴上,使依恋

cravat [krə'væt]


n. 领带,围巾,三角绷带

curl [kə:l]


n. 卷曲,卷发,年轮,漩涡,[足]曲线球

respiration [.respə'reiʃən]


n. 呼吸,一次呼吸,植物光合作用





