A moment later they leap like startled lizards down the nearest corridor junction as the owners of the drumming feet suddenly hove into view directly in front of them. | 片刻之后,两人来到最近的一个走廊交叉点,突然间,那些脚步声的主人们径直闯人他们的视野。他们吓得跳了起来,活像受惊的蜥蜴。 |
Hidden behind the corner they goggled in amazement as about two dozen overweight men and women pounded past them in track suits panting and wheezing in a manner that would make a heart surgeon gibber. | 他们躲在角落里,吃惊地瞪大了眼睛。大约二十多个超重的男男女女跺着沉重的脚步从他们面前经过。这些人身穿条纹衫,呼哧呼哧地大口喘着粗气。那副模样足以让心脏科大夫大发议论。 |
Ford Prefect stared after them. | 福特长官盯着他们的背影。 |
“Joggers!” he hissed, as the sound of their feet echoed away up and down the network of corridors. | “慢跑者!”他悄声说。那些人的脚步声在这个走廊网络里回荡着,渐渐远去。 |
“Joggers?” whispered Arthur Dent. | “慢跑者?”阿瑟·邓特小声问。 |
“Joggers,” said Ford prefect with a shrug. | “慢跑者。”福特长官说,耸了耸肩。 |
The corridor they were concealed in was not like the others. It was very short, and ended at a large steel door. Ford examined it, discovered the opening mechanism and pushed it wide. | 他们藏身的这条走廊和其他走廊不太一样。它很短,尽头处是一扇大铁门。福特检查了一番,找到开门的装置,把它推开。 |
The first thing that hit their eyes was what appeared to be a coffin. | 闯进他们眼帘的第一件东西,看上去像是一具棺材。 |
And the next four thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine things that hit their eyes were also coffins. | 接下来闯进他们眼帘的是四千九百几十九件东西,同样也是棺材。 |
A moment later they leap like startled lizards down the nearest corridor junction as the owners of the drumming feet suddenly hove into view directly in front of them.
Hidden behind the corner they goggled in amazement as about two dozen overweight men and women pounded past them in track suits panting and wheezing in a manner that would make a heart surgeon gibber.
Ford Prefect stared after them.
“Joggers!” he hissed, as the sound of their feet echoed away up and down the network of corridors.
“Joggers?” whispered Arthur Dent.
“Joggers,” said Ford prefect with a shrug.
The corridor they were concealed in was not like the others. It was very short, and ended at a large steel door. Ford examined it, discovered the opening mechanism and pushed it wide.
The first thing that hit their eyes was what appeared to be a coffin.
And the next four thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine things that hit their eyes were also coffins.