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Chapter 26第二十六章
That night the ship crash-landed on to an utterly insignificant little green-blue planet which circled a small unregarded yellow sun in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the Western spiral arm of the Galaxy.耶天晚上,这艘飞船坠落在一颗完全无足轻重的蓝绿色小行星上这颗行星嗣绕着一颗不被人注意的小小的黄色太阳运行,位于不被人注意的银河系西螺旋臂的末端那片未曾标明的寂静虚空中。
In the hours preceding the crash Ford Prefect had fought furiously but in vain to unlock the controls of the ship from their pre-ordained flight path. It had quickly become apparent to him that the ship had been programmed to convey its payload safely, in uncomfortably, to its new home but to cripple itself beyond repair in the process.坠毁之前的几个小时里,福特·妊官曾经拼命挣扎过,但他试罔解除飞船预设飞行路线的一切努力只是一场徒劳。有一点很快就明确了,那就是,这艘飞船被设计成能够安全地(也许并非舒适地)将它的有效载荷运送到它的新家,同时消灭了在这一过程中对航线进行任何修正的所有可能性:
Its screaming, blazing descent through the atmosphere had stripped away most of its superstructure and outer shielding, and its final inglorious bellyflop into a murky swamp had left its crew only a few hours of darkness during which to revive and offload its deep-frozen and unwanted cargo for the ship began to settle almost at once, slowly upending its gigantic bulk in the stagnant slime. Once or twice during the night it was starkly silhouetted against the sky as burning meteors – the detritus of its descent – flashed across the sky.飞船呼啸着、燃烧着穿过大气层,其间,它的上层结构和外层防护盾大部分剥落了:最终,它狼狈地肚皮着地,轰然落进一片阴暗的沼泽留给船员的时间只有短短几小时:他们必须在一片黑暗中使船上深度冷冻,不受欢迎的货物苏醒过来,尽快撤离飞船,因为它几乎一着地就立即开始下陷,在淤积的泥潭中缓缓地倒竖起来。夜里,曾有一两颗燃烧的流星——飞船下坠中脱落的碎屑——划过天际,星光映出了飞船呆板的轮廓。
In the grey pre-dawn light it let out an obscene roaring gurgle and sank for ever into the stinking depths.黎明前灰白的光线中,飞船发出一声淫靡的汩汩声,然后便永远沉人了这潭臭泥浆。
When the sun came up that morning it shed its thin watery light over a vast area heaving with wailing hairdressers, public relations executives, opinion pollsters and the rest, all clawing their way desperately to dry land.清晨的太阳升起来,洒下淡淡的阳光,照着一大片哀号的美发师、公共关系经理、民意测验专家,以及其他所有人。他们正绝望地爬向干燥的陆地。
A less strong minded sun would probably have gone straight back down again, but it continued to climb its way through the sky and after a while the influence of its warming rays began to have some restoring effect on the feebly struggling creatures.如果是一颗意志力不够坚强的太阳,看了这副凄惨景象,它也许会掉头回家,重新降落下去:但这一颗却继续沿着天空爬升着,过了一会儿,温暖的阳光开始发挥作用了,使那些正在拼搏的虚弱的人们恢复了一些体力。
Countless numbers had, unsurprisingly, been lost to the swamp in the night, and millions more had been sucked down with the ship, but those that survived still numbered hundreds of thousands and as the day wore on they crawled out over the surrounding countryside, each looking for a few square feet of solid ground on which to collapse and recover from their nightmare ordeal.数不清的人已经在夜里被}召泽吞噬了,这并不令人惊讶。还有几百万人当时就随着飞船一起沉了下去,但话着的人仍然还有好几十万。这一天结束时,他们终于爬到了沼泽周围的陆地上,每个人都找了几平方英尺的一小块坚实土地,瘫倒在上面,以便从髓梦般的折磨中恢复过来。
Two figures moved further afield.有两个人走到了稍远一点儿的地方。
From a nearby hillside Ford Prefect and Arthur Dent watched the horror of which they could not feel a part.福特长官和阿瑟·邓特从附近的一座小山坡上向后望去,简直无法相信他们自己就是这恐怖经历的一部分,
“Filthy dirty trick to pull,” muttered Arthur.“一条卑鄙肮脏的诡计。”阿瑟喃喃地说。
Ford scraped a stick along the ground and shrugged.福特用一根树枝在地面上划着,耸了耸肩。
“An imaginative solution to a problem I’d have thought,” he said.“这倒是个很有想像力的解决方案。”他说。
“Why can’t people just learn to live together in peace and harmony?” said Arthur.“为什么人们不能学会和谐融洽地一起生括呢,”阿瑟说。
Ford gave a loud, very hollow laugh.福特发出一阵响亮却非常空洞的笑声。

Chapter 26
That night the ship crash-landed on to an utterly insignificant little green-blue planet which circled a small unregarded yellow sun in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the Western spiral arm of the Galaxy.
In the hours preceding the crash Ford Prefect had fought furiously but in vain to unlock the controls of the ship from their pre-ordained flight path. It had quickly become apparent to him that the ship had been programmed to convey its payload safely, in uncomfortably, to its new home but to cripple itself beyond repair in the process.
Its screaming, blazing descent through the atmosphere had stripped away most of its superstructure and outer shielding, and its final inglorious bellyflop into a murky swamp had left its crew only a few hours of darkness during which to revive and offload its deep-frozen and unwanted cargo for the ship began to settle almost at once, slowly upending its gigantic bulk in the stagnant slime. Once or twice during the night it was starkly silhouetted against the sky as burning meteors – the detritus of its descent – flashed across the sky.
In the grey pre-dawn light it let out an obscene roaring gurgle and sank for ever into the stinking depths.
When the sun came up that morning it shed its thin watery light over a vast area heaving with wailing hairdressers, public relations executives, opinion pollsters and the rest, all clawing their way desperately to dry land.
A less strong minded sun would probably have gone straight back down again, but it continued to climb its way through the sky and after a while the influence of its warming rays began to have some restoring effect on the feebly struggling creatures.
Countless numbers had, unsurprisingly, been lost to the swamp in the night, and millions more had been sucked down with the ship, but those that survived still numbered hundreds of thousands and as the day wore on they crawled out over the surrounding countryside, each looking for a few square feet of solid ground on which to collapse and recover from their nightmare ordeal.
Two figures moved further afield.
From a nearby hillside Ford Prefect and Arthur Dent watched the horror of which they could not feel a part.
“Filthy dirty trick to pull,” muttered Arthur.
Ford scraped a stick along the ground and shrugged.
“An imaginative solution to a problem I’d have thought,” he said.
“Why can’t people just learn to live together in peace and harmony?” said Arthur.
Ford gave a loud, very hollow laugh.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
hollow ['hɔləu]


n. 洞,窟窿,山谷
adj. 空的,虚伪的,

shed [ʃed]


n. 车棚,小屋,脱落物
vt. 使 ...

superstructure ['sju:pə.strʌktʃə]


n. 上层建筑 n. 上层结构,上部构造

apparent [ə'pærənt]


adj. 明显的,表面上的

ordeal [ɔ:'di:l, ɔ:'di:əl]


n. 严酷的考验,痛苦的经验,神裁法

planet ['plænit]


n. 行星

cargo ['kɑ:gəu]


n. 货物,船货

harmony ['hɑ:məni]


n. 和弦,协调,和睦,调和

revive [ri'vaiv]


vt. 使重生,恢复精神,重新记起,唤醒

detritus [di'traitəs]


n. 碎石,碎屑,瓦砾





