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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Chapter 27第二十七章
“I trust you had a pleasant meal?” said Zarniwoop to Zaphod and Trillian as they rematerialized on the bridge of the starship Heart of Gold and lay panting on the floor.“这顿饭一定吃得不错吧,”扎尼乌普对赞福德和崔莉恩说,他们刚刚在“黄金之心号”星际飞船的舰桥上还原,躺在地板上直喘粗气。
Zaphod opened some eyes and glowered at him.赞福德睁开一些眼腈,对他怒目而视。
“You,” he spat. He staggered to his feet and stomped off to find a chair to slump into. He found one and slumped into it.“你!”赞福德吐了口唾诛。他晃晃悠悠地站起身来,想找到一把椅子好倒在上面。他找到一把,倒了进去,
“I have programmed the computer with the Improbability Coordinates pertinent to our journey,” said Zarniwoop, “we will arrive there very shortly. Meanwhile, why don’t you relax and prepare yourself for the meeting?”“我已经在电脑里编好了和我们这趟旅程相关的非概率坐标,”扎尼乌普说,“我们很快就能到达目的地。现在,你为什么不放松放松,为这次会面作点准备什么的,”
Zaphod said nothing. He got up again and marched over to a small cabinet from which he pulled a bottle of old Janx spirit. He took a long pull at it.赞福德什么也没说,他站起身来,走到一个小柜子前,取出一瓶杰克斯老酒,狠狠地灌了一大口。
“And when this is all done,” said Zaphod savagely, “it’s done, alright? I’m free to go and do what the hell I like and lie on beaches and stuff?”“等这一切结束,”赞福德粗鲁地说,“结束,对吗?我就能自由地离开,去干他妈的我喜欢干的事,躺在海滩上或者别的什么地方!对吗?”
“It depends what transpires from the meeting,” said Zarniwoop.“这得看会面的情况了。”扎尼乌普说。
“Zaphod, who is this man?” said Trillian shakily, wobbling to her feet, “What’s he doing here? Why’s he on our ship?”“赞福德,这人是淮?”摧莉恩用颤抖的声音问,一边摇摇晃晃地站了起来,“他在这儿干什么,他为什么会在我们的飞船上?”
“He’s a very stupid man,” said Zaphod, “who wants to meet the man who rules the Universe.”“他是一个大傻瓜。”赞福德说,“他想和统治整个宇宙的那个人会面”
“Ah,” said Trillian taking the bottle from Zaphod and helping herself, “a social climber.”“哦,”崔莉恩说,她从赞福德手里章过酒瓶,自己喝了起来,“一个一心向上爬的野心家、”

Chapter 27
“I trust you had a pleasant meal?” said Zarniwoop to Zaphod and Trillian as they rematerialized on the bridge of the starship Heart of Gold and lay panting on the floor.
Zaphod opened some eyes and glowered at him.
“You,” he spat. He staggered to his feet and stomped off to find a chair to slump into. He found one and slumped into it.
“I have programmed the computer with the Improbability Coordinates pertinent to our journey,” said Zarniwoop, “we will arrive there very shortly. Meanwhile, why don’t you relax and prepare yourself for the meeting?”
Zaphod said nothing. He got up again and marched over to a small cabinet from which he pulled a bottle of old Janx spirit. He took a long pull at it.
“And when this is all done,” said Zaphod savagely, “it’s done, alright? I’m free to go and do what the hell I like and lie on beaches and stuff?”
“It depends what transpires from the meeting,” said Zarniwoop.
“Zaphod, who is this man?” said Trillian shakily, wobbling to her feet, “What’s he doing here? Why’s he on our ship?”
“He’s a very stupid man,” said Zaphod, “who wants to meet the man who rules the Universe.”
“Ah,” said Trillian taking the bottle from Zaphod and helping herself, “a social climber.”


重点单词   查看全部解释    
universe ['ju:nivə:s]


n. 宇宙,万物,世界

climber ['klaimə]


n. 登山者;攀缘植物;尽力改善自己社会地位的人

spat [spæt]


n. 贝卵,蚝卵,蚝仔 n. 鞋罩 n. 小争吵,轻打声

pertinent ['pə:tinənt]


adj. 相关的,中肯的,切题的

cabinet ['kæbinit]


n. 橱柜,内阁
adj. 私人的

social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会





