PARIS — Just a few weeks ago, fears that Greece might exit the euro union subsided when Europe extended its financial bailout. But as a new war of words escalates between Athens and its creditors, talk of a “Grexit” is heating up.
In the last several days, European and American banks, think tanks and ratings agencies have issued a fresh round of warnings and studies calculating the damage to the currency union if Greece were to default on its debts or stop using the euro.
Jeroen Dijsselbloem, the head of the Eurogroup body of European finance ministers, this week also raised the possibility of restricting the flow of money in and out of Greece to make sure the country has enough money to pay its debts.
欧元集团(Eurogroup)主席耶霍恩·戴塞尔布卢姆(Jeroen Dijsselbloem)本周也提出了一种可能性:限制资金流入和流出希腊,从而确保该国有足够的资金来偿还债务。欧元集团由欧元区国家的财长组成。
Driving those concerns is an increasingly venomous standoff between Athens and nearly every other country in the 19-member currency union — especially Germany.
One of the main sticking points is Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’s pushing ahead with an anti-austerity agenda that creditors say conflicts with pledges he made on Feb. 20 in winning an agreement to let Greece extend its 240 billion euro, or $254 billion, bailout program for four months. That deal was crucial to giving Greece the ability to unlock loan money it badly needs. But so far, no funds have been forthcoming.
其中一个主要症结是希腊总理亚历克西斯·齐普拉斯(Alexis Tsipras)正在推动反紧缩议程。债权人认为,这和他2月20日做出的承诺相冲突,而当时齐普拉斯之所以许下诺言,是为了让2400亿欧元(约合1.6万亿元人民币)的救援计划能展期四个月。这项妥协至关重要,可以让希腊获得急需的贷款资金。不过到目前为止,还没有任何资金到位。
On Wednesday, Greece’s Parliament approved a number of anti-poverty measures despite warnings from creditors that the legislation ran contrary to the overall package of changes Greece had agreed last month to adopt.
And it probably did not help Greece’s debt diplomacy that members of Mr. Tsipras’s Syriza party were among the thousands of European demonstrators in Frankfurt on Wednesday protesting, amid tear gas, European Central Bank policies.
此外,周三有数千名欧洲民众聚集在法兰克福,冒着催泪瓦斯抗议欧洲中央银行(European Central Bank)的政策。抗议民众中包括齐普拉斯所在政党激进左翼联盟(Syriza)的成员,这一点恐怕对希腊的债务外交有弊无利。
Athens has become so politically isolated, even as its coffers run dry, that Mr. Tsipras will be trying to salvage relationships on Thursday and Friday in Brussels at a European Union summit meeting.
He has persuaded Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany; President François Hollande of France; the European Central Bank president, Mario Draghi; and others to discuss the Greek crisis directly with him. Whether he will clinch a deal to unlock funds and prevent a wider crisis remains to be seen.
他已经说服德国总理安格拉·默克尔(Angela Merkel)、法国总统弗朗索瓦·奥朗德(François Hollande)、欧洲央行行长马里奥·德拉吉(Mario Draghi),以及其他一些人和他直接讨论希腊危机。他能否赢得共识、获得资金,从而阻止危机扩大,这些仍有待观察。
Europe has “an overwhelming will to keep Greece in the eurozone,” Pierre Moscovici, the European Commission’s financial affairs chief, told a German newspaper this week. But, he added, “we won’t keep Greece in the eurozone at any price.”
欧洲“非常想让希腊留在欧元区”,欧盟委员会(European Commission)负责经济和金融事务的委员皮埃尔·莫斯科维奇(Pierre Moscovici)本周对一家德国报纸说。但是,他表示,“我们不会为此不惜任何代价。”
European leaders have fast run out of patience with Greece, especially after Mr. Tsipras last week renewed demands that Germany pay Greece billions in reparations from World War II. And Greece’s outspoken finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, has reportedly alienated some of his eurozone counterparts by changing his position several times during negotiations.
欧洲领导人已经迅速失去了对希腊的耐心,尤其是齐普拉斯上周再次要求德国,向希腊支付数百亿美元的二战赔款之后。希腊直言不讳的财政部长亚尼斯·瓦鲁法基斯(Yanis Varoufakis)据说曾在谈判中多次改变立场,因此疏远了欧元区的其他一些财长。
Members of his Syriza party are also agitated over a recent opulent photo shoot of Mr. Varoufakis in the magazine Paris Match.
《巴黎竞赛》(Paris Match)杂志近期刊出了瓦鲁法基斯的奢华照片,令他在激进左翼联盟的同伴情绪激动。