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A subsidiary of China National Chemical Corporation will make a takeover bid for the Italian tire maker Pirelli after agreeing on Sunday to acquire the stake of Camfin, Pirelli’s largest shareholder, the companies said.

中国化工集团公司(China National Chemical Corporation)的一家子公司将对意大利轮胎制造商倍耐力(Pirelli)发起竞购。此前,这家公司于周日同意收购倍耐力最大股东Camfin的股份,这些公司透露。
As part of the deal, Camfin will sell its 26.2 percent stake in Pirelli to China National Tire and Rubber Company, or C.N.R.C., for 15 euros a share, which values Pirelli at 7.1 billion euros, or about $7.7 billion.

Camfin’s owners then will form an industrial partnership with China National Tire and Rubber and will reinvest part of the sale proceeds into a new Italian company, which will hold the Pirelli stake and initiate a takeover bid for all of Pirelli’s outstanding stock, offering 15 a share.

Shares of Pirelli closed up 2.2 percent at 15.23 in trading in Milan on Friday.
China National Tire and Rubber will control the new company, while the Camfin investors will own as much as 49.9 percent of its capital.
“We are delighted with the opportunity to team up with Mr. Marco Tronchetti Provera and his team to continue to build together a world-class organization and a market leader in the global tire industry,” Ren Jianxin, chairman of China National Chemical Corporation, said in a news release.
Camfin first confirmed on Friday that it was in talks with an “international industrial partner” to sell its stake in Pirelli, which is based in Milan.
Camfin’s owners include Nuove Partecipazioni, which is owned by Marco Tronchetti Provera, the chairman and chief executive of Pirelli, and the Italian banks UniCredit and Intesa Sanpaolo.
Camfin的股东包括倍耐力董事长兼首席执行官马尔科·特龙凯蒂·普罗韦拉(Marco Tronchetti Provera)拥有的Nuove Partecipazioni,以及意大利的裕信银行(UniCredit)和联合圣保罗银行(Intesa Sanpaolo)。
The Russian state oil company Rosneft agreed to take a 50 percent stake in Camfin last year.
As part of the deal, Rosneft will exit its ownership in Camfin and receive a direct stake in the newly formed Italian company, which will hold Camfin’s former stake in Pirelli.
If successful in its takeover bid, China National Tire and Rubber will seek to delist Pirelli and reorganize the company. It is expected to seek to integrate Pirelli’s industrial tire business with assets of China National Tire and Rubber and with the Fengshen Tires Stock Company, doubling the volume of the business and expanding Pirelli’s business in Asia.
China National Tire and Rubber also will choose a new leader of the board for Pirelli, and Mr. Tronchetti Provera will remain chief executive of the reorganized Pirelli, which will continue to be based in Italy. Mr. Tronchetti Provera will have the right to choose when to relist Pirelli.
“The parties recognize the pivotal role of Pirelli’s current top management as a key factor for the ongoing success and growth of Pirelli and its business,” Camfin said in a news release. “In fact, the partnership is predicated on the continuation of Pirelli’s entrepreneurial and business culture.”
The transaction is subject to regulatory approval and is expected to close this summer. JPMorgan Chase has agreed to provide financing for the Pirelli acquisition.
此次交易还有待监管部门批准,预计将于今年夏天完成。摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)已经同意为倍耐力的收购提供融资。
China National Tire & Rubber’s “approach to business and strategic vision guarantee Pirelli’s development and stability,” Mr. Tronchetti Provera said in a news release.
China National Tire and Rubber was advised by Rothschild, ChemChina Finance Corporation and J.P. Morgan and the law firms Pedersoli e Associati Studio Legale, Clifford Chance and Jun He.
为中化橡胶提供顾问的是罗斯柴尔德(Rothschild)、中国化工财务有限公司和摩根大通,以及Pedersoli e Associati Studio Legale、高伟绅(Clifford Chance),以及君合等律师事务所。
Lazard and the law firms Chiomenti and Lombardi Molinari Segni advised Camfin, while Ligerion and the law firm Linklaters advised the Rosneft investment vehicle.
拉扎德投资银行(Lazard),以及凯明迪(Chiomenti)和Lombardi Molinari Segni等律师事务所为Camfin担当顾问;利格里昂(Ligerion)、年利达(Linklaters)律师事务所则在为俄油的投资平台提供顾问。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
ownership ['əunəʃip]


n. 所有权

current ['kʌrənt]


n. (水、气、电)流,趋势
adj. 流通的

corporation [.kɔ:pə'reiʃən]


n. 公司,法人,集团

continuation [kən.tinju'eiʃən]


n. 继续,延续,续集

strategic [strə'ti:dʒik]


adj. 战略的,重要的,基本的

financing [fai'nænsiŋ]


n. 融资,资金供应 动词finance的现在分词

tire ['taiə]


n. 轮胎,金属圈
v. 使疲倦,厌烦

stock [stɔk]


n. 存货,储备; 树干; 血统; 股份; 家畜

confirmed [kən'fə:md]


adj. 习惯的,积习的,确认过的,证实的 动词conf

transaction [træn'zækʃən]


n. 交易,处理,办理,事务





