Wearing their identical red dresses, identical twins Rabia and Rukia even have matching beauty spots.
But tragically for these twins, their closeness is also putting their lives in danger.
The sisters were born joined at the head at a clinic in Pabna, Bangladesh, in July. Parents Taslima Khatun Uno and Mohammed Rafiqul Islam didn't learn that the twins were conjoined until after the birth.
这对头部相连的姐妹于今年七月份在孟加拉国巴布纳的一家诊所出生。父母Taslima Khatu Uno和Mohammed Rafiqul Islam直到双胞胎出生才知道她们是连体婴儿。
They were delivered by Caesarean and spent two weeks in intensive care as doctors checked they were otherwise healthy.
Now the family face an agonising wait to see if surgeons can operate to separate the pair - but have been warned it could be two years even to take a decision.

Professor Rohu Rahim, pediatric surgeon from Banghabandhu Sheik Murjib Medical University, who is consulting the family, said there was hope.
Banghabandhu Sheik Murjib医科大学的儿科医生Rohu Rahim教授与这家人进行了商议,表示仍有希望。
'As their heads are joined side by side it makes physical movement, such as bending the neck, easier.'
Rabia and Rukia will need to undergo a 45-60 minute MRI scan and medics also need to confirm if the blood circulating between the twins' brains is separate or shared.
Taslima added: 'For their future it's necessary to separate the girls - they are not having a healthy life. If I don't separate them now maybe in future they will ask why I didn't separate them?'
Professor Rahim says the team will wait up to two years before making a final decision on separating Rabia and Rukia.
The parents, who are both teachers, worry they won't be able to fund the surgery themselves and have made a plea to the Bangladeshi government to financially support the operations.