In the Mind article he had made it clear that he saw his model as one capable of absorbing all human communication, and this again reflected the positivist belief that science could elucidate human behaviour as it had already triumphed in the fields of physics and chemistry.
The weak points of his argument were essentially the weaknesses of the analytical scientific method when applied to the discussion of human beings.
Concepts of objective truth that worked so well for the prime numbers could not so straightforwardly be applied by scientists to other people.
As he himself explained in introducing the central morphogenetic idea, any kind of simplification was inevitably a falsification.
If this was true in a discussion of the development of cells, it was all the more apposite a comment in respect of the development of human beings, whether of their 'intelligence' or of their yearning for communication, experience, and love.
When science used human words about human beings, could it actually separate the 'data' from the 'instructions' of society? Could it 'observe' or 'experiment', or formulate a 'problem', independently of social institutions? Could its assessment of importance and significance of facts, however honestly noted, do other than reflect the imperatives of the dominant ideology?
In the life sciences, the borderline between the spirit of truth and the esprit de corps was not as clear as it might seem in physics and chemistry. And this difficulty, that of separating fact from act, was very close to the weakness of his arguments for machine 'intelligence'.
This was a super-Godelian problem, concerning the capacity of scientific language to jump outside the society in which it was embodied, and a problem to which Alan Turing's mind was not attuned.
Nor indeed, was the scientific mind of his time.