In April and May 1954 the parliamentary debates were in terms of the idea (as the outraged Sunday Express put it) that 'instead of the prison cell they should have the doctor's clinic.'
But more knowledgeable observers had recognised that talk of either punishing or treating all homosexuals was quite unrealistic, and the publicity given to the Montagu trials gave them the opportunity to point out the damage done to the repute or the judicial system by a law so irregularly and partially enforced.
A more practical policy was defined by the Sunday Times in March; contrasting 'those things which must needs be legally tolerated' from those which 'must be condemned and rooted out'.
On 8 July, the Home Secretary backed down and appointed J.F. Wolfenden, a public school headmaster from 1934 to 1950, to chair a committee on the laws relating to homosexuality and prostitution.
Thus Alan Turing died just as a more central strand of British administration was reasserting itself.
In fact his crime was of the kind that everyone agreed should continue to be the object of state attention; meeting people in the street ('importuning'), and having an affair with a working-class nineteen-year-old exemplified what was to be 'condemned and rooted out'.
But the number of prosecutions peaked in 1955, and then fell back until 1967.