双语故事:为自己选件红衬衫 Start with a Red&n
“要想出人头地,除了努力工作之外,没有任何捷径,更没有任何替代品。If you want to stand out among people, there is no shortcut or alternatives for you but hard work. 曾经有一个衣衫褴褛,满身补丁的男孩2011-04-29 编辑:beck 标签:
双语散文:旧鞋子也有温暖 Old Shoes, Happy Li
人常常会陷于幽暗的人生胡同不能自拔.People often drop into a gloomy life and are unable to extricate themselves.有个生活比较潦倒的销售员,每天都埋怨自己"怀才不遇,命运在捉弄他".There once was a po2011-04-27 编辑:beck 标签:
人生智慧:珍惜现在 不再错过(中英对照)
音乐家约翰带着一把价值不菲的古董名琴,悄悄来到人潮不断的地铁站演奏。弦音曼妙,在空旷处流淌。将近一小时的演奏中,真正驻足聆听者只有六七人。最捧场的是一位三岁小童,听得入神。约翰当天得到52美元赏金。 Jo2011-04-26 编辑:beck 标签:
10.Don’t try to impress everyone. – Purposely impressing people is an act that brings nothing but a momentary ego boost. Be real with people instead. Connect with fewer people on a level that is de2011-04-25 编辑:beck 标签:
Even though my dad’s advice is relevant to a person of any age, my 29-year-old self can relate to it in a way my 14-year-old self didn’t quite grasp at the time. In fact, the first thought that wen2011-04-22 编辑:beck 标签:
作者: 选自<<心情驿站>> 译者: 爱尔兰UCD 赖小琪1.他们知道自己的价值。聪明人的技能多半属于隐性技能,而不是那种可用文字记录下来并广泛交流的标准化技能。目前没有一个知识管理系统能够捕捉到隐性知识,这意味着2011-04-21 编辑:beck 标签:
Man Is Here For The Sake of Other Men 人是为了别人而活着 Strange is our situation here upon earth. Each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming to divine a purpose2011-04-15 编辑:beck 标签:
Life is a miracle, don't let it slip away,Open your heart to others; give of yourself each day.生活就是一个奇迹,不要让它溜走,向别人打开你的心扉,奉献自己每一天。See the beauty in everyone regardle2011-04-15 编辑:beck 标签:
What they don’t understand about birthdays and what they never tell you is that when you’re eleven, you’re also ten, and nine, and eight, and seven, and six, and five, and fours, and threee, and t2011-04-14 编辑:beck 标签:
2011-04-01 编辑:beck 标签:
喜欢, 不说爱Saying "like" instea
相互牵挂相互祝福,是很幸福的一件事。心有所托情有所系,平静的日子里心湖偶泛涟漪,总胜似一潭死水的沉寂。It’s a happy thing to concern about each other and exchange best wishes with each other. In a tr2011-03-28 编辑:beck 标签:
双语散文:为了成功 训练自己
Ever seen a great champion boxer like Manny Pacquiao? With his speed, agility and power, he has conquered lots of other great boxers of the twenty first century. In between fights, he keeps his train2011-03-25 编辑:beck 标签:
Healthy and Fit健康有活力The first goal common to all of us is health and energy. We all want to be healthy and fit, to have high levels of energy and to live free of pain and illness. Today, with th2011-03-22 编辑:beck 标签:
The River and the Clouds追逐云彩的河
Once upon a time there was a beautiful river finding her way among the hills, forests, and meadows. She began by being a joyful stream of water, a spring always dancing and singing as she ran down fr2011-03-21 编辑:beck 标签:
双语散文:周而复始 如是人生
Harmony and unqualified happiness are natural to each and every one of us, yet here’s how a typical workday looks and feels for too many people. We wake up, drag ourselves out of bed, and, even befo2011-03-18 编辑:beck 标签:
全英最孤独小学生 整所学校只有他1个人
他永远是早上第一个到的学校,晚上最晚走的一个。老师一直都点名叫他回答问题 -
真实的玛丽莲梦露 永远的性感icon
20世纪50年代早期,诺尔玛·简·贝克来到好莱坞,此后她一生都以玛丽莲自 - 3
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