[影视动态] 《爱丽丝梦游仙境2》:船长,爱丽丝再聚首
《爱丽丝梦游仙境2》(Alice in Wonderland 2)续集将于2016年五月登陆各大院线。同时,迪士尼公司还发布了《森林王子》(Jungle Book)真人版的上映日期,该2013-11-28 编辑:shaun
[少儿益智故事Flash] 少儿益智故事Flash:爱丽丝梦游记
少儿益智故事Flash:爱丽丝梦游记2014-08-15 编辑:kekenet
[双语达人] 婕?父濂囧?鐨勭埍涓戒笣150宀佷簡
今年是爱丽丝一书出版150周年纪念日,这本书如今已被翻译为174种语言出版(关于这本书的大事记和出版资料收录于lewiscarrollresources.net)2015-01-28 编辑:shaun
[双语达人] 爱丽丝的围裙风刮进时尚界
那件围裙是她最显眼的配饰,是传统的少女期和叛逆期之间诱人张力的标志,而这个人物正是这种张力的典型代表。2015-06-30 编辑:shaun
[爱丽丝镜中奇遇记] 爱丽丝镜中奇遇记(MP3+中英字幕) 第1期:镜子屋
One thing was certain, it was the black kitten that began it all.小黑猫是这个故事的缘起,这是肯定的。2015-10-19 编辑:clover
[爱丽丝镜中奇遇记] 爱丽丝镜中奇遇记(MP3+中英字幕) 第2期:奇异景象
In another moment Alice was through the glass and had jumped down into the looking-glass room片刻之后,爱丽丝钻入镜子,跳进了镜子屋。2015-10-21 编辑:clover
[爱丽丝镜中奇遇记] 爱丽丝镜中奇遇记(MP3+中英字幕) 第3期:吓坏了的国王
Alice watched as the White King slowly began to climb the table leg.白方国王开始缓慢地往桌腿上爬,爱丽丝观望着。2015-10-23 编辑:clover
[爱丽丝镜中奇遇记] 爱丽丝镜中奇遇记(MP3+中英字幕) 第5期:与王后的见面
When she had seen her by the fireplace, the Queen had been only eight centimetres high. Now she was taller than Alice herself!那次在壁炉边看见王后时,她只有8厘米高,而今竟比爱丽丝还高些。2015-10-28 编辑:clover
[爱丽丝镜中奇遇记] 爱丽丝镜中奇遇记(MP3+中英字幕) 第8期:山羊胡子
'No, I won't!' Alice said crossly. 'I don't belong to this railway journey at all.爱丽丝生气地应声道:“不,我不买!我根本不属于这次列车。2015-11-04 编辑:clover
[爱丽丝镜中奇遇记] 爱丽丝镜中奇遇记(MP3+中英字幕) 第9期:胖墩墩的小人
'Don't they?' said the Insect. 'There's a wood down there,for example, where things have no names.'“是吗?譬如那边有一片树林,里边的东西就没有名字。”昆虫说道。2015-11-06 编辑:clover
[爱丽丝镜中奇遇记] 爱丽丝镜中奇遇记(MP3+中英字幕) 第10期:特威丹与特威帝
Alice knew immediately which one was which, because each had his name on his shirt.爱丽丝一下子就把这对孪生兄弟辨认出来了,因为衬衫上都标明了名字。2015-11-09 编辑:clover
[爱丽丝镜中奇遇记] 爱丽丝镜中奇遇记(MP3+中英字幕) 第4期:会说话的花园
There was a small hill not far away and Alice decided to walk to it.不远处有座小山丘,爱丽丝决定步行到那边去。2015-10-26 编辑:Amosway
[爱丽丝镜中奇遇记] 爱丽丝镜中奇遇记(MP3+中英字幕) 第6期:摸不着头脑
Alice never did understand how it happened, but she had no time to think about it because they were running so fast.爱丽丝还摸不着头脑这是怎么一回事。但是她们跑得太快了,没有时间去考虑这个问题。2015-10-30 编辑:clover
[爱丽丝镜中奇遇记] 爱丽丝镜中奇遇记(MP3+中英字幕) 第7期:镜中动物
Alice never did understand how it happened, but she had no time to think about it because they were running so fast.爱丽丝还摸不着头脑这是怎么一回事。但是她们跑得太快了,没有时间去考虑这个问题。2015-11-02 编辑:clover
[爱丽丝镜中奇遇记] 爱丽丝镜中奇遇记(MP3+中英字幕) 第12期:一派胡言
'He's dreaming now,' said Tweedledee, 'and what do you think he's dreaming about?'特威帝说:“他在做梦呢。你说他在做什么梦?”2015-11-13 编辑:clover
[爱丽丝镜中奇遇记] 爱丽丝镜中奇遇记(MP3+中英字幕) 第11期:海象与木匠
It was a very long poem indeed- all about a Walrus and a Carpenter,那真是首长诗,讲的是海象与木匠2015-11-11 编辑:clover
[爱丽丝镜中奇遇记] 爱丽丝镜中奇遇记(MP3+中英字幕) 第17期:胖墩儿
But the egg got larger and larger, and more and more like a person.但鸡蛋越变越大,越变越像个人。2015-11-25 编辑:clover
[爱丽丝镜中奇遇记] 爱丽丝镜中奇遇记(MP3+中英字幕) 第13期:白方王后
She caught the shawl as she spoke, and looked around for the owner.讲话的当儿,她抓住了披肩,四处张望,寻找主人。2015-11-16 编辑:clover
[爱丽丝镜中奇遇记] 爱丽丝镜中奇遇记(MP3+中英字幕) 第14期:倒转人生
'I only remember things one way,' Alice said. 'I can't remember things before they happen.'"我只能用一种方法记住事情。我不会记住那些还没有发生过的事情。”爱丽丝说。2015-11-18 编辑:clover
[爱丽丝镜中奇遇记] 爱丽丝镜中奇遇记(MP3+中英字幕) 第15期:奇特的商店
Alice laughed. 'There's no use trying,' she said. 'Nobody can believe impossible things.'爱丽丝笑了,说:“试也没用,没人会相信不可能的事。”2015-11-20 编辑:clover