[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《死神炼狱》第33期:得到大笔财富
but a peasant who took advantage of the Black Death to scramble right up the social ladder of the village.但这个农民利用黑死病 爬上了村子里的地位之梯2016-12-11 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《死神炼狱》第34期:交出城堡投降
He'd always coveted Caister Castle, and now,in September 1469, he came to get it.他一直觊觎凯斯特城堡 在1469年9月 他大举进攻 势在必得2016-12-12 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《死神炼狱》第35期:历经重重磨难
The Pastons got over these bumps in the road to become a settled presence in their county,帕斯顿坎坷前行 冲破重重障碍 成为郡中有声望的家族2016-12-13 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《笃信》第1期:改革与宗教战争
At first glance, Binham Priory in Norfolk looks much like any other English country church 乍看之下 诺福克郡的宾汉姆修道院 与其它英格兰乡间教堂无异2016-12-14 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《笃信》第3期:何其怪异的世界
offering a necklace of rubies and dedicating a giant candle in thanks for the birth of his son, Henry, in 1511.将一串红宝石项链与一尊巨型蜡烛献上神龛 感谢上帝在1511年赐予他一子亨利2016-12-16 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《笃信》第4期:神秘世界的守护者
At the back of the high altar there was a goodly mount carved very artificially with the story of Christ's Passion,在主祭台后面 放置着一个精美的底座 人工雕刻着耶稣受难的故事2016-12-17 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《笃信》第5期:对自己的信仰了若指掌
The miracle-working priest was about to be challenged by the word of God itself,行神迹的牧师 即将受到《圣经》本身的挑战2016-12-18 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《笃信》第2期:历史之大势所趋
with the idea that the English reformation was a historic inevitability,都自幼被灌输着一个观念 即英国宗教改革 是历史之大势所趋2016-12-15 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《笃信》第6期:英国的宗教审判
In 1524, Tyndale fled London for mainland Europe,ending up in Worms in Germany,1524年 廷代尔逃离伦敦 前往欧洲大陆 来到了德国的沃尔姆斯2016-12-19 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《笃信》第7期:挥洒着旺盛的精力
the man who without ever really meaning to turned Catholic England into a Protestant nation.这个本无意 让天主教英格兰改信新教的男人2016-12-20 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《笃信》第8期:踢马刺之战
Henry wallowed in the praise droolingly lavished on him by courtiers and ambassadors.亨利沉浸在谗臣与大使们泛滥的恭维中2016-12-21 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《笃信》第9期:玩弄于股掌的高手
Let's face it,if we could find one, we could all use a Wolsey,a Jeeves with an attitude,不得不承认 若有机会 凡人都需要一个如沃尔西的人 一个有个性的万能管家2016-12-22 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《笃信》第10期:英格兰的统治阶级
Earls, bishops, knights of the shire 5,000 men,including, in a display of unconvincing humility,伯爵 主教和骑士 共五千人 包括枢机主教本人 身着红天鹅绒袍2016-12-23 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《笃信》第11期:纯洁无私的爱情
So much saccharine drivel has been written on the subject of Anne Boleyn,以安妮·博林为题材 撰写下无数甜腻的宫闱野史2016-12-24 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《笃信》第12期:文艺复兴主力军
Anne Boleyn entered the glittering, dangerous world of the Tudor court in her 20s.安妮·博林在她二十出头的年纪 踏入了闪耀夺目而又危机四伏的都铎宫廷2016-12-25 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《笃信》第13期:内心狂放不羁
Nole me tangere-do not touch,Nole me tangere for Caesar, otherwise known as Henry VIII, 意为旁人勿近 诗中的凯撒暗指亨利八世2016-12-26 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《笃信》第14期:一劳永逸的解决方案
By the time that Anne came on the scene,Henry was convinced that his marriage to Catherine had been divinely cursed.直到安妮进入了他的视线 亨利坚信他与凯瑟琳的婚姻被神所诅咒2016-12-27 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《笃信》第15期:摇曳生辉的舞台
But Anne wasn't finished yet.With a typical mixture of conviction and self-interest,但安妮并未就此收手 出于信仰与一己私利2016-12-28 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《笃信》第16期:忠诚于罗马的教会
Nothing measures the imperial scale of Henry's court better than the size of the space needed to feed its gut.供给亨利膳食的厨房的规模 是他恢弘宫殿的最佳佐证2016-12-29 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《笃信》第17期:特别的合作伙伴
and the king's will was clear:Divorce from Catherine, marriage to Anne,Princess Mary to be declared a bastard,国王的意愿一目了然: 那便是同凯瑟琳离婚 迎娶安妮 玛丽公主被宣称为私生女2016-12-30 编辑:kahn