[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《革命之路》第9期:脱离英格兰的管束
At Drogheda, on the main road between Dublin and Ulster,在都柏林和阿尔斯特间的必经之路 德罗赫达he made it only too clear what he had in mind.他的意图 已经表达得再清楚不过了2017-04-05 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《革命之路》第10期:顽固执迷的新教徒
This is absolutely authentic Oliver Cromwell and today it makes for unbearable reading.这完全是奥利弗·克伦威尔亲口所言 而今看起来却不堪入目2017-04-06 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《革命之路》第13期:一场典型的武装政变
Cromwell marched up and down the chamber now shouting that the Lord had done with them克伦威尔在议会中来回踱步 呵斥着主已对他们失望透顶2017-04-09 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《革命之路》第11期:百姓安居乐业
Charles went on the run, hidden by royalist sympathisers until he could get smuggled out of the country.查理在保皇派支持者的掩护下 一直逃出了国境2017-04-07 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《革命之路》第12期:对正义和虔诚的漠视
It still sat as it had when its members were purged by the army to allow the king's trial to proceed,由军队肃清后 支持对国王审判的那些人 仍然占据着议会2017-04-08 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《革命之路》第14期:精心挑选的虔诚之士
This is the point at which Cromwell could've seized power,and everyone expected him to.克伦威尔本可以在此时独揽大权 每个人都认为他会这样做2017-04-10 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《革命之路》第15期:遵循理性治国
His great hope was for a settling,他最大的愿望是一个长久的规划but the truth was that the protector himself was anything但实际上 除了为国家指明未来的方向之外2017-04-11 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《革命之路》第16期:一场民意灾难
It was their job to take righteousness out into the shires the Protestant Taliban on horseback.将"道义"带到了英国诸郡 去收服那些不肯安分守己的塔利班式新教徒2017-04-12 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《革命之路》第17期:打开新的篇章
Well, this is hard enough evidence for me.对我来说 这里就是确凿的证据For it was on these unforgiving backless oak benches这是犹太人被驱逐的360年以来2017-04-13 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《革命之路》第18期:对道德的最高赞誉
Oliver Cromwell believed he worked for God.奥利弗·克伦威尔相信他服务于上帝Real dictators think they are God.真正的独裁者则认为自身即上帝2017-04-14 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《革命之路》第19期:乌托邦般的景象
What Oliver Cromwell left behind was not a workable political system,but a vision.奥利弗·克伦威尔留下的 不是一个行之有效的政治体系 而是一种愿景2017-04-15 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《革命之路》第20期:美好的典范
The irony about the restoration of Charles II was he came to the throne讽刺的是 查理二世的复辟 他得以登上王座2017-04-16 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《革命之路》第21期:注视着事态发展
His reign was backdated to the day after his father had been beheaded.他的统治被追溯到 他父亲上断头台的第二天2017-04-17 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《革命之路》第22期:眉目传情的黄金时代
And leading the dance, of course, was Charles himself,引导人们寻欢作乐的 是查理本人constitutionally incapable of being so churlish他天生不会贸然无礼地2017-04-18 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《革命之路》第23期:火灾与战争
In the summer of 1664,a comet appeared in the skies over England.1664年夏 一颗彗星划过英格兰的天空Its sallow tail could be seen with unprecedented clarity国王使用一种新型望远镜2017-04-19 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《革命之路》第24期:伦敦已不复存在
the Lord Mayor of London was woken from his sleep to be told that a fire had started in a baker's shop in Pudding Lane.伦敦市长从睡梦中被叫醒 并被告知 布丁巷一家面包店燃起大火2017-04-20 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《革命之路》第25期:新的圣保罗大教堂
When the rain started, a week after the outbreak of the fire,allowing an early stocktaking,火势持续一周后 大雨降临 人们开始清点损失2017-04-21 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《革命之路》第26期:禁不住涌出泪水
He even built a giant wooden model to show the king and clergy just what they would be getting.他建造了一个木制模型 向国王及教士 展示未来的大教堂2017-04-22 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《革命之路》第27期:信奉罗马天主教
The irony was, for all his Roman enthusiasm,而讽刺的是 出于满腔重建罗马的热忱Wren believed he was building a truly Protestant church,雷恩坚信他将会建造出一座真正的新教教堂2017-04-23 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《革命之路》第28期:怒火横扫整个国家
invite a French invasion and create a Catholic state under James,散布谣言称法国入侵 并要扶持詹姆斯建立一个天主教英国时2017-04-24 编辑:kahn