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  • [中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:睡得很晚

    周末许多人睡得很晚[误] Many people sleep late at weekends. [正] Many people go to bed very late at weekends. 注:第一句译文错在没弄懂 sleep 的真正含义。英语动词有短暂动词和持续动词之分,它们分别表示短

    2008-06-05 编辑:admin

  • [中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:百里挑一

    百里挑一[误] one in a hundred [正] one in a thousand注: “百里挑一”常被用来形容“很特别,很出众”或“与众不同”,one in a thousand 也有相同的含义。但值得注意的是,汉语用“百”,而英语则以十倍于百的

    2008-06-05 编辑:admin

  • [中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:亚洲四小龙

    亚洲四小龙[误] the Four Little Dragons of Asia [正] the Four Little Tigers of Asia注:在我国古代传说中,龙是降雨和惩治妖魔鬼怪的神奇动物,是吉祥和力挽狂澜的象征。很多汉语成语与“龙”有关,如“龙飞凤舞

    2008-06-04 编辑:admin

  • [中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:我感到很痛

    我感到很痛[误] I am painful. [正] I feel great pain.注:“我感到高兴”是 I am happy,“我感到累了”是I'm tired,但“我感到很痛”却不是 I am painful。因为painful表示“使人痛苦的,让人疼痛或讨厌的”,

    2008-06-04 编辑:admin

  • [中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:演员休息室

    歌迷们冲进演员休息室,抢着同凯莉.米纳合影 [误] The fans rushed into the rest room trying to take photos with Kylie Minogue. [正] The fans rushed into the greenroom trying to take photos with Kylie Mi

    2008-06-04 编辑:admin

  • [中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:我们玩得很愉快

    昨天晚上我们玩得很愉快 [误] We played very pleasantly last night. [正] We enjoyed ourselves very much last night./ We had a good time last night.注:玩牌,打球,演戏之类就用play,汉语这儿说的玩是指度

    2008-06-03 编辑:admin

  • [中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:这只表的价钱很贵

    这只表的价钱很贵[误] The price of the watch is dear. [正] The watch is dear. /The price of the watch is high.注:以物品为主语时用dear 或 cheap,以定价为主语时就说 high 或 low.

    2008-06-03 编辑:admin

  • [中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:挥金如土

    哈罗得挥金如土,没有一点积蓄[误] Harold spends money like dirt, and has no savings. [正] Harold spends money like water, and has no savings.注:英国是一个岛国,离不开水;而我们中国的许多地区深处内陆,

    2008-06-03 编辑:admin

  • [中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:记在我的账上

    给这们女士来杯威士忌,记在我的账上。 [误] Whisky for this lady, and put it on my bill. [正] Whisky for this lady, and put it on my tab.注:我们可以说Could we have the bill, please? (请给我们账单好吗

    2008-06-02 编辑:admin

  • [中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:他简直就是一个工作狂

    比尔.盖茨平均每天工作15个小时,他简直就是一个工作狂。 [误] Bill Gates works 15 hours a day on average, and he is crazy about his work. [正] Bill Gates works 15 hours a day on average, and he is a wor

    2008-06-02 编辑:admin

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