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  • [中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:在我耳边悄悄说着情话

    在皎洁的月光下,那个花花公子在我耳边悄悄说着情话。 [误] The playboy whispered love words to my ear with a bright moon in the sky. [正] The playboy whispered sweet nothings to my ear with a bright moo

    2008-06-02 编辑:admin

  • [中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:海龟派

    现如今,由于出国深造的人越来越多,“海龟(归)派”也不像原来那样吃香了。 [误] Nowadays as more and more people study abroad, the overseas students are not so popular as before. [正] Nowadays as more

    2008-06-02 编辑:admin

  • [中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:夜猫子

    每次考试来临的时候,约翰就变成了一只夜猫子,但这并不是一个好的学习方法。 [误] John becomes a night cat every time the examination is coming. However, this is not a good way to learn. [正] John become

    2008-06-01 编辑:admin

  • [中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:不折不扣的网虫

    我每天都要在网吧里呆上10个小时,是个不折不扣的网虫。 [误] I spend 10 hours in the net bar every day, and I am indeed a net bug. [正] I spend 10 hours in the net bar every day, and I am indeed a nette

    2008-06-01 编辑:admin

  • [中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:人口统计

    最近的人口统计显示中国人口已超过13亿[误] The latest census shows that China's population has surpassed 1.3 billion. [正] The latest census shows that China's population exceeds 1.3 billion. 注:sur

    2008-06-01 编辑:admin

  • [中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:一群蚂蚁

    一群蚂蚁 [误] a group of ants [正] a colony of ants注:表示群体时,group 通常指人或物,而 colony 才指生物群体

    2008-06-01 编辑:admin

  • [中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:恐怕不大可能

    想让他答应这样的要求恐怕不大可能。 [误] I'm afraid it is impossible for him to agree to such a request. [正] I'm afreaid it is unlikely for him to agree to such a request.注:impossible 表示“完全不

    2008-06-01 编辑:admin

  • [中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:不切实际的幻想

    你不好好学习,还想去牛津上大学。这可真是个不切实际的幻想哟! [误] You don't study hard, yet you want to go to Oxford. What an impractical illusion! [正] You don't study hard, yet you want to go to

    2008-05-28 编辑:admin

  • [中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:东施效颦

    东施效颦[误] Doingshi imitates Xishi. [正] The ugly imitates the beautiful in such a distorted way that the ugliness of the ugly becomes worse.注:把原文按照字面意思直译过来,恐怕只有中国人能够理解。

    2008-05-28 编辑:admin

  • [中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:这个无耻的女人

    我没料到这个无耻的女人居然同她好友的丈夫调情。 [误] I had not expected that this shameful woman should flirt with her best friend's husband. [正] I had not expected that this shameless woman should

    2008-05-28 编辑:admin

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