CHARLES HAMILTON: But, oh. Miss O'Hara...
SCARLETT: Do you think that was kind to bring your good-looking brother down here just to break my poor, simple country-girl's heart?
(India and Sue Ellen are watching Scarlett in distance)
ELLEN: Look at Scarlett, she's never even noticed Charles before, now just because he's your beau, she's after him like a ^hornet!
SCARLETT: Charles Hamilton, I want to eat barbecue with you. And mind you don't go ^philandering with any other girl because I'm mighty jealous.
CHARLES HAMILTON: I won't, Miss O'Hara. I couldn't!
SCARLETT: I do declare, Frank Kelly, you don't look dashing with that new set of whiskers.
FRANK: Oh, thank you, thank you, Miss Scarlett.
SCARLETT: You know Charles Hamilton and Ray Kelvert asked me to eat barbecue with them, but I told them I couldn't because I'd promised you.
INDIA:You needn't be so amused, look at her. She's after your beau now.
Frank: Oh, that's mighty flattering of you, Miss Scarlett. I'll see what I can do, Miss Scarlett.
KATHLEEN: What's your sister so mad about, Scarlett, you sparking her beau?
SCARLETT: As if I couldn't get a better beau than that old maid in britches. Brent and Stew, do talk, you handsome old thing, you...oh, no, you're not, I don't mean to say that I'm mad at you.