Her married friends keep asking her if we're going to tie the knot.
结了婚的朋友 很少能睡个安稳觉
Why do married people do that all the time?
Misery loves company.
Yeah well, lately she seems interested
要不了多久 我们也要不厌其烦讨论…
in talking about is saving for a house and having kids.
She knows what she wants, you can't blame her.
她明白自己的需要 这是她天生的
Thank you, Lenny.
Desert's on the table.
Me thinks Uncle Drew is fucked. Yeah...
One who honors others, honors himself.
This is more like it.
You have a big dong.
- He must've gotten Lenny's. - Oh I don't think so.
伦尼肯定拿到自己喜欢的 我看未必
Oh I didn't mean it, honey. I know you're hung like a Buffalo.
亲爱的,我不需要那个 我知道你心里爱着我
Oh please, you're always making snide little comments.
好了 你老实让我对评论不舒服
Love means having to say you're sorry. Constantly.
- I don't remember saying that. - Of course you don't remember.
我不记得自己想什么 你当然记得
You're a man, you develop amnesia when it's convenient!
你是男人 男人是不会选择忘记的
- I was probably joking. - You were serious.
我是开玩笑的 你是认真的
- Oh, like you remember whether I was serious or not. - I remember very well.
我怎么记得自己 是不是认真的?
It was after you hung out at Monty Brandt's all night,
就是在蒙迪来了后 你就整晚没回家
the first time we has dinner at Casa Rosa's. You were wearing the white shirt
我们第一次在卡萨罗萨 你穿着白衬衫…