I'm his legal guardian, hence the chaperoning.
我是他的法定监护人 所以陪他一起来
I hear he's very bright,Not that I've had a chance to see for myself.
早有耳闻他很聪明 还没机会见识一下
Well, his attendance record's a little spotty.Family drama.No parents?
是啊 他不怎么去学校 家里出了很多事 父母都去世了
Mm, it's just the two of us now.You, uh--you live here your whole life?
家里就剩我们两个人了 你一直住在这吗
On and off. Travel a bit.Really? Where?Around the states?
断断续续的 有时出去旅行 真的吗 都去哪 全国各地吗
Heh. I'm sorry.I'm nosy. I--I don't mean to pry.Look, it was nice meeting you.You, too.
真抱歉 我真好管闲事 我不是想打听什么 很高兴认识你 我也是
Enjoy the rest of the dance.Tonight was so much better on paper.
继续享受舞会吧 报纸上记载的年代舞会可比这有趣多了
Ah, you're just feeling sorry for yourself.Go and talk to him.Be bold and fearless.
你只是自怨自艾 去和他聊聊 鼓起勇气 不要退缩
Yeah, this coming from the girl who's been eye stalking the bartender.You're right.
但你也只不过是 坐在一边偷看酒保 你说得对
Hi.Twice in one day.Lucky me.I'm proving something to my friend.
你好 今天见到你两次了 真幸运啊 我要向我朋友证明一件事
Oh, yeah? What's that?That you don't have to sit around and wait for a guy to come up to you.
是吗 什么事 不能只是呆坐着 等着男人走到你身边
Does that mean that you're asking me out on a date?Does that mean you want me to?
这是不是表明你在约我出去 你希望我约你吗
Well, what did you have in mind?-Do you like karaoke? No.
你有什么想法吗 你喜欢唱卡拉OK吗 不喜欢
But I would really like to go on a date with you.