You're going to tell us where Max is, and you're going to tell us now.
给我交代出麦克斯的下落 立马交代
Is it supposed to scare me? I'm a cat, I'll land on my feet.
这也能威胁到我吗 我可是猫啊 我肯定会四脚着地的
Does it always happen? Coz your head looks like it has taken a lot of landings.
一定能四脚着地吗 我看你这脑袋好像经常着陆啊
You don't want me to cut you, coz I'll cut you this way and you look a waffle.
别逼我使爪子 我可是会这样把你抓成华夫饼
Okay, he's too stupid to talk and too ugly to eat.
笨到难以沟通 丑到难以下咽
I'm done being nice, where is Max?
是你逼我的 麦克斯在哪
Tell me.
I .. let me finish...Help me!
让我说啊 救命啊
Don't look at him, look at me, nobody can help you. Where is Max!
别看他 看着我 没人会救你的 麦克斯在哪
Okay, okay, he's in the sewers. He got taken.
我说 我说 他在下水道里 他被抓了
Please, have mercy, adorable puppy dog.
行行好 放过我吧 可爱的小狗狗
Snake bite! Snake bite! Snake bite!
蛇咬 蛇咬 蛇咬
As proof of your ligeance, You're now receve the bite of a one fang... halfblind Viper, fueled by a diet of anti human rage!
为了表明忠心 你们要接受一口混血毒蛇浸满反人类愤怒的毒牙烙印