missing! He's out there somewhere. Lost! Scared! So so handsome... We've got to find him and bring him home.
麦克斯...不见了 他流落在外 迷茫 害怕 那么那么帅... 我们必须把他给找回来
But the outside world is very and scary. Is that a hawk?
但外面的世界嘈杂危险 那是鹰吗
This is my friend, Tiberius. He is going to help us. He is not going to eat us, he's already been over it.
这是我的朋友提比勒 他会帮助我们的 他不会吃我们 他已经克服了本能
Come on, Gidget, we go out there without a leash, we'll get caught by a net. Or something worse. Yeah, like a hawk!
算了吧 啾啾 没人牵着 我们一出去就被网子抓住了 甚至更糟 比如被鹰捉住
We're wasting time! Max needs us!
别浪费时间了 麦克斯需要我们
Come on, girl, Max doesn't even know you're alive.
姑娘 麦克斯根本就不关心你
Well, I don't care. I love him. I love him with all of my heart. And I'm gonna go look for Max, no matter who's with me.
我不管 我爱他 全身心地爱着他 不论你们帮不帮我 我都要去找他
So, who's with me? All right, fine, fine.
谁愿意帮我 好吧 没事
Oh come on, guys, I can't believe you. When I got my claws caught in the curtains, who pulled me down?
你们这些人啊 难以置信 那次我爪子被窗帘勾住 是谁救我下来的
Max did.
Buddy, Mel, when you were fixed, who taught you to sit in a comfortable way?
小巴 大毛 你们绝育以后 是谁教你们怎么坐舒服的
Max did! Max did! Max did, he did.
是麦克斯 是麦克斯 是麦克斯教我的
And when that ramndom cat tried to eat Sweet Pea. Who saved him?
而且当某只猫想要吃了小豌豆的时候 是谁救了他
It's wasn't a random cat, It was you!
没有什么某只猫 是你
The identity of the random cat is not the point. We're talking about who saved him.
猫的身份不是问题 我说的是谁救了他