Oh, welcome back.
Thank you.
You can have your old room if you like.
如果你愿意 还能住你之前房间
Oh. Thank you. I can't stay.
谢谢你们 但我不能留下来
Where are you going?
King George took James.I have to get him back.
乔治王把詹姆斯抓走了 我得去救回他
No, Snow, you can't do it.
不行 白雪 你不能这么做
I can't let the king just kill him. He came back for me. It doesn't matter what happens to me now.
我不能眼睁睁看着国王杀了他 他是回来找我的 不管我会遇上什么险阻
I have to try. That's not what I meant. What I meant was you can't do it alone. But luckily, you won't have to. Let's show that king what Snow White and Seven Dwarves can really do!
都得试一试 我不是这个意思 我是说你一人救不出他 幸运的是 你还有我们 让乔治王看看白雪公主和七个小矮人的真本领
Hey. Breakfast.
I know Mr. Gold doesn't want us to talk, but I thought you should hear this from me.
虽然戈登先生不想我们说话 但我觉得这件事还是应该由我告诉你