Right, Dan. Check your National Insurance Number.
丹 确认你的国家保险号
Yep, that's okay.
嗯 没错
Press that button right there, Bill Gates.
按下那个键 比尔盖茨先生
What, this one here? That one there, "Send."
这个键吗 那个 发送键
Huh. It's taken me bloody days to get this sorted out.
Well done, son.
干得漂亮 小伙子
Jobseeker's Application done.
失业津贴申请表 完成
Dan, don't know why you're applying for that after your heart attack.
丹 你有心脏病怎么还申请这个
Right, now I'm printing your appea l form for Employment and Support Allowance.
现在 我就来打印你的 就业支持津贴申诉表
But you can't appeal till they carry out a mandatory reconsideration.
Is that printing out now?
You mean, they could have given it to me just like that?
所以 他们其实当场就能给我
Dan, they'll fuck you around, I'm warning you.
丹 他们会耍得你团团转 给你提个醒
Make it as miserable as possible.
No accident. That's the plan.
这是他们的本意 绝无例外
I know dozens who have just given up.
Well they've picked the wrong one if they think I'm gonna give up.
如果他们觉得我会放弃 那就大错特错了
I'm like a dog with a bone, me, son.