Toward noon, the thieves returned to their cave. When they were within a short distance of it and saw Cassim’s mules laden with baskets, standing about the rock, they were a good deal surprised. They drove away the ten mules, which took to flight in the forest. Then the Captain and his men, with their swords in their hands, went toward the door and said, “Open Sesame!” At once it flew open.
Cassim, who from the inside of the cave heard the horses trampling on the ground, did not doubt that the thieves had come and that his death was near. Determined, however, on one effort to escape, he placed himself near the door ready to run out as soon as it should open. The word “Sesame” was scarcely pronounced when it opened, and he rushed out with such force that he threw the Captain to the ground. He could not, however, escape from the other thieves, who slew him on the spot.

On entering the cave the thieves found, near the door, the sacks which Cassim had filled, but they could not imagine how he had been able to get in. The wife of Cassim, in the meantime, was in the greatest uneasiness when night came and her husband did not return. After waiting as long as she could, she went in great alarm to Ali Baba and said to him, “Brother, I believe you know that Cassim has gone to the forest; he has not yet come back, although it is almost morning. I fear some accident may have befallen him.”
Ali Baba immediately set off with his three donkeys and went to the forest to seek Cassim. As he drew near the rock, he was astonished to see that blood had been shed near the cave. When he reached the door, he said, “Open Sesame!” and it opened.
He was shocked to see his brother’s body in the cave. He decided to carry it home and placed it on one of his donkeys, covering it with sticks to conceal it. The other two donkeys he quickly loaded with sacks of gold, putting wood over them as before. Then, commanding the door to close, he took the road to the city, waiting in the forest till nightfall, that he might return without being seen. When he got home, he left the two donkeys that were laden with gold for his wife to unload; and having told her what had happened, he led the other donkey to the home of his sister-in-law.