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美国小学英语教材5:第373课 鲁宾逊漂流记(21)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Melody   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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“They run one, two, three, and make go in the boat that time.”

"Well, and what do the men do with those they take?"
“Eat them all up.”
This was not good news for me, but I went on and said, “Where do they take them?”
“Go to next place where they think.”
“Do they come here?”
“Yes, yes, they come here, come else place, too.”
“Have you been here with them twice?”
“Yes, come there.”


He meant the northwest side of the isle; so to this spot I took him the next day. He knew the place and told me he was there once, and with him twelve men. To let me know this, he placed twelve stones all in a row, and made me count them.

He told me that up a great way by the moon—that is, where the moon then came up—there dwelt a tribe of white men like me, with beards. I felt sure they must have come from Spain to work the gold mines; so I asked him: “Could I go from this isle and join those men?”
“Yes, yes, you go in two boats.”
It was hard to see how one man could go in two boats, but what he meant was a boat twice as large as my own.
“Then will you go back to your land with me?”
He said he could not swim so far; so I told him he should help me to build a boat to go in. Then he said, “If you go, I go.”
“I go? Why, they would eat me!”
“No, me make them much love you.”




