As a general thing, I would not give a great deal for the fair words of a critic, if he is himself an author, over fifty years of age.
At thirty, we are all trying to cut our names in big letters upon the walls of this tenement of life;
twenty years later, we have carved it, or shut up our jackknives.
Then we are ready to help others, and care less to hinder any, because nobody's elbows are in our way.
So I am glad you have a little life left; you will be saccharine enough in a few years.
Some of the softening effects of advancing age have struck me very much in what I have heard or seen here and elsewhere.

I just now spoke of the sweetening process that authors undergo.
Do you know that in the gradual passage from maturity to helplessness the harshest characters,
sometimes have a period in which they are gentle and placid as young children?
I have heard it said, but I can not be sponsor for its truth, that the famous chieftain, Lochiel, was rocked in a cradle like a baby, in his old age.
An old man, whose studies had been of the severest scholastic kind, used to love to hear little nursery stories read over and over to him.