The strong walls grind and gape, the vaulted roof takes shape like bubble tossing in the wind;
See! he looks up and smiles; for death to him is happiness. Yet could one last embrace be given, it were still a sweeter thing to die.
It will be given. Look! how the rolling ground, at every swell, nearer and still more near moves toward the father's outstretched arm his boy.
Once he has touched his garment: how his eye lightens with love, and hope, and anxious fears!

Ha, see! he has him now! he clasps him round; Kisses his face, puts back the curling locks, that shaded his fine brow, looks in his eyes;
Grasps in his own those little dimpled hands; Then folds him to his breast, as he was wont to lie when sleeping; and resigned, awaits undreaded death.
And death came soon and swift and pangless. The huge pile sank down at once into the opening earth.
Walls - arches - roof and deep foundation stones - all - mingling - fell!