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来源:可可英语 编辑:kahn   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • It seems to me, sir, you're describing precisely the sort of dictator the Democrats have been howling about.
  • 依我看 先生 您这正是 民主党所言的独裁者形象
  • Dictators aren't susceptible to law.
  • 独裁者向来无视法律
  • Neither is he! He just said as much!Ignoring the courts, twisting meanings, what
  • 他也如此 他宣扬正是独裁之举 无视法院 曲解道义 如此
  • what reins him in from, from ,Well,the people do that, I suppose.
  • 如此慷慨激昂 那么 我想人人都会有激动的时刻
  • I signed the Emancipation Proclamation a year and half,before my second election,
  • 一年半前 在第二次竞选前 我签署了《解放黑人奴隶宣言》
  • I felt I was within my power to do it.However I also felt that I might be wrong about that.
  • 我自认有权签署 然而我也知道我或许有错
  • I knew the people would tell me,I gave 'em a year and half to think about it, and they reelected me.
  • 我早知人们会那么说 就给了他们一年半的时间考虑 而他们再次选择了我
  • And come February the first,I intend to sign the Thirteenth Amendment.
  • 一到二月的首要之事 便是我要签署第13号修正案
  • Well, Mr. Representative Ashley!Tell us the news from the Hill.
  • 阿什利代表先生 国会山那有什么新闻
  • Ah! Well, news.Why for instance is this thus,and what is the reason for this thusness?
  • 新闻 为何如此突然 这其中又有何缘由
  • James, we want you to bring the anti-slavery amendment to the floor for debate.
  • 詹姆斯 我们想由你 在众议院中提议反奴修正案
  • Excuse me, what? Immediately.You are the amendment's manager, are you not?
  • 不好意思 您说什么 即刻提出 您负责管理修正案 对吧
  • I am, of course, but,And we're counting on robust radical support,
  • 是没错 但 我们还要指望激进分子的支持
  • so tell Mr. Stevens we expect him to put his back into it. It's not going to be easy,
  • 所以通知史蒂文斯先生一声 我们期待他的支持 此事会很艰难
  • but we trust,It't impossible.No, I am sorry, no, we can't organize anything immediately in the House.
  • 但我们相信 不可能 不行 抱歉 我们无法 立刻在众议院组织任何事宜
  • I have been canvassing the Democrats since the election,in case any of them softened after they got walloped.
  • 从选举起我就一直在游说民主党员 以防他们被击败后一蹶不振
  • But they have stiffened if anything, Mr. Secretary,there aren't nearly enough votes,We're whalers, Mr. Ashley!
  • 但他们的态度进来日益强硬 国务卿先生 选票还不够 我们是捕鲸者 阿什利先生


It seems to me, sir, you're describing precisely the sort of dictator the Democrats have been howling about.

依我看 先生 您这正是 民主党所言的独裁者形象

Dictators aren't susceptible to law.


Neither is he! He just said as much!Ignoring the courts, twisting meanings, what

他也如此 他宣扬正是独裁之举 无视法院 曲解道义 如此

what reins him in from, from ,Well,the people do that, I suppose.

如此慷慨激昂 那么 我想人人都会有激动的时刻

I signed the Emancipation Proclamation a year and half,before my second election,

一年半前 在第二次竞选前 我签署了《解放黑人奴隶宣言》

I felt I was within my power to do it.However I also felt that I might be wrong about that.

我自认有权签署 然而我也知道我或许有错

I knew the people would tell me,I gave 'em a year and half to think about it, and they reelected me.

我早知人们会那么说 就给了他们一年半的时间考虑 而他们再次选择了我

And come February the first,I intend to sign the Thirteenth Amendment.

一到二月的首要之事 便是我要签署第13号修正案

Well, Mr. Representative Ashley!Tell us the news from the Hill.

阿什利代表先生 国会山那有什么新闻

Ah! Well, news.Why for instance is this thus,and what is the reason for this thusness?

新闻 为何如此突然 这其中又有何缘由

James, we want you to bring the anti-slavery amendment to the floor for debate.

詹姆斯 我们想由你 在众议院中提议反奴修正案

Excuse me, what? Immediately.You are the amendment's manager, are you not?

不好意思 您说什么 即刻提出 您负责管理修正案 对吧

I am, of course, but,And we're counting on robust radical support,

是没错 但 我们还要指望激进分子的支持

so tell Mr. Stevens we expect him to put his back into it. It's not going to be easy,

所以通知史蒂文斯先生一声 我们期待他的支持 此事会很艰难

but we trust,It't impossible.No, I am sorry, no, we can't organize anything immediately in the House.

但我们相信 不可能 不行 抱歉 我们无法 立刻在众议院组织任何事宜

I have been canvassing the Democrats since the election,in case any of them softened after they got walloped.

从选举起我就一直在游说民主党员 以防他们被击败后一蹶不振

But they have stiffened if anything, Mr. Secretary,there aren't nearly enough votes,We're whalers, Mr. Ashley!

但他们的态度进来日益强硬 国务卿先生 选票还不够 我们是捕鲸者 阿什利先生

重点单词   查看全部解释    
corporate ['kɔ:pərit]


adj. 社团的,法人的,共同的,全体的

representative [repri'zentətiv]


adj. 代表性的,代议制的,典型的
n. 代

radical ['rædikəl]


adj. 激进的,基本的,彻底的
n. 激进分

susceptible [sə'septəbl]


adj. 易受外界影响的,易受感染的

complicated ['kɔmplikeitid]


adj. 复杂的,难懂的

organize ['ɔ:gənaiz]


v. 组织

tangled ['tæŋɡld]


adj. 紊乱的;纠缠的;缠结的;复杂的

pitch [pitʃ]


n. 沥青,树脂,松脂
n. 程度,投掷,球场

proclamation [.prɔklə'meiʃən]


n. 宣言,公布,文告

amendment [ə'mendmənt]


n. 改善(正), 修正案,某物质能改善土壤有助生长


关键字: 名人 林肯 传记




