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乔布斯传(MP3+中英字幕) 第277期:寻找乔安妮和莫娜(1)

来源:可可英语 编辑:max   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Finding Joanne and Mona
  • [by:可可英语网]
  • When Jobs was thirty-one, a year after his ouster from Apple, his mother Clara, who was a smoker, was stricken with lung cancer.
  • 寻找乔安妮和莫娜
  • He spent time by her deathbed, talking to her in ways he had rarely done in the past
  • 乔布斯的母亲克拉拉是一个吸烟者。他31岁时,也就是在他离开苹果公司一年之后,母亲患上了肺癌。
  • and asking some questions he had refrained from raising before.
  • 在她弥留之际,他陪在她的病床边,用以往少有的方式跟她聊天,
  • "When you and Dad got married, were you a virgin?" he asked.
  • 问了一些一直压在心底的问题。
  • It was hard for her to talk, but she forced a smile.
  • “跟爸爸结婚的时候,你是处女吗?”他问道。
  • That's when she told him that she had been married before, to a man who never made it back from the war.
  • 她虽然难以启齿,却还是努力地给了他一个微笑。
  • She also filled in some of the details of how she and Paul Jobs had come to adopt him.
  • 她这才告诉他,之前她结过婚,她的前夫上了战场就再没回来。
  • Soon after that, Jobs succeeded in tracking down the woman who had put him up for adoption.
  • 她还透露了一些她和保罗·乔布斯如何领养他的细节。
  • His quiet quest to find her had begun in the early 1980s, when he hired a detective who had failed to come up with anything.
  • 大概就是在那个时候,乔布斯找到了他生母的下落。
  • Then Jobs noticed the name of a San Francisco doctor on his birth certificate.
  • 从20世纪80年代初开始,他就聘用了一个侦探,开始悄悄地寻找他的生母,但什么线索都没有找到。
  • "He was in the phone book, so I gave him a call," Jobs recalled.
  • 后来乔布斯注意到他出生证上一个旧金山医生的名字。
  • The doctor was no help. He claimed that his records had been destroyed in a fire. That was not true.
  • “他的姓名在电话簿上可以查到,所以我给他打了个电话。”乔布斯回忆说。
  • In fact, right after Jobs called, the doctor wrote a letter,
  • 那个医生没帮上忙。他声称他的记录在一场火灾中全被烧毁了。不过那不是真的。
  • sealed it in an envelope, and wrote on it, "To be delivered to Steve Jobs on my death."
  • 事实上,就在接到乔布斯的电话后,这个医生写了一封信,
  • When he died a short time later, his widow sent the letter to Jobs.
  • 装在信封里封好,上面写着“我死后交给史蒂夫·乔布斯”。
  • In it, the doctor explained that his mother had been an unmarried graduate student from Wisconsin named Joanne Schieble.
  • 不久后他就去世了,他的遗孀把这封信寄给了乔布斯。

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Finding Joanne and Mona


When Jobs was thirty-one, a year after his ouster from Apple, his mother Clara, who was a smoker, was stricken with lung cancer.

He spent time by her deathbed, talking to her in ways he had rarely done in the past
and asking some questions he had refrained from raising before.
"When you and Dad got married, were you a virgin?" he asked.
“跟爸爸结婚的时候,你是处女吗? ”他问道。
It was hard for her to talk, but she forced a smile.
That's when she told him that she had been married before, to a man who never made it back from the war.
She also filled in some of the details of how she and Paul Jobs had come to adopt him.
Soon after that, Jobs succeeded in tracking down the woman who had put him up for adoption.
His quiet quest to find her had begun in the early 1980s, when he hired a detective who had failed to come up with anything.

双语有声读物 乔布斯传

Then Jobs noticed the name of a San Francisco doctor on his birth certificate.

"He was in the phone book, so I gave him a call," Jobs recalled.
The doctor was no help. He claimed that his records had been destroyed in a fire. That was not true.
In fact, right after Jobs called, the doctor wrote a letter,
sealed it in an envelope, and wrote on it, "To be delivered to Steve Jobs on my death."
When he died a short time later, his widow sent the letter to Jobs.
In it, the doctor explained that his mother had been an unmarried graduate student from Wisconsin named Joanne Schieble.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
detective [di'tektiv]


adj. 侦探的
n. 侦探

envelope ['enviləup]


n. 信封,封皮,壳层

quest [kwest]


n. 探索,寻求
v. 寻找,搜索

adopt [ə'dɔpt]


v. 采用,收养,接受





