So last week I sent my writer Adam to Michaels to offer free gift wrapping
上周 我让编剧Adam去Michaels为大家提供免费的礼物包装
and I showed you a little bit of what happened last week.
Here's the rest.
All right, do you guys need any free gift wrapping? Nice.
好 你们需要免费包装礼物吗?好啊
Is this going to be through the holiday season?
Yeah. It'll be every day through the holidays, until tomorrow.
对 假期期间每天都有 直到明天截止
Wait? What do you mean until-- It's every day throughout the holidays until tomorrow and then it's over.
什么?明天截止是什么 假期期间每天都有 直到明天就截止了
Oh, OK. Oh. But like, starting tomorrow, so today's it.
哦 好吧 哦 不过 明天才截止 所以今天还免费
That's weird. How long's it been going on? Just today.
好怪 这活动持续多久了?只有今天有
It's every-- it's every day, but just, like, it's every day today and then it ends tomorrow.
每天都有 但是是每天的今天都有 然后明天结束
Every day today? Yeah.
All day every day free gift wrapping and then tomorrow it ends.
每天全天提供免费的礼物包装 明天截止
After that you have to wrap them yourself. OK.
明天过后你就得自己包装了 好吧
Hi. Do you need any free gift wrapping? Yeah.
嗨 需要免费包装礼物吗?好啊
The grocery stores, they're already packed. I don't even wanna go in.
杂货店 已经包装好了 我不想去
You need help? I got it.
Do you want the express service? It goes a little faster.
I'll give you the express version.
Nah, I got time. Yeah, it's free gift wrapping.
不着急 我有时间 对 是免费包装的
You can tip if you'd like, but it's free otherwise.
您要是愿意的话 可以给小费 不然就是免费的
A tip? Yeah.
Hi. You need any free gift wrapping today? Yes, please.
嗨 您今天需要免费包装礼物吗?需要 谢谢
There we go and then we can perfume the paper for you also, if you'd like.
好了 您如果喜欢 我们可以给纸喷上香水
Then there's, like, a nice fresh smell when they open it.
There you go.
They might check this on the way out, so I'm just going to mark what it is.
出去的时候可能有人检查 所以我在这标一下这是啥东西
On the gift wrap? Yeah. So that one's a puzzle.
标在包装纸上吗?对 别人不知道这是啥
And then we'll just write candle on here, so they know.
我直接在这儿写上蜡烛 他们就能知道了
But then they won't know-- in case they want to check what they are.
但他们不会知道 以防有人检查这是什么
Yeah. Yeah, you can just cross scratch it off.
对 对 你可以把它叉掉
They just need to see what it is inside on your receipt.
But we didn't want them to see what it was, though. What's that?
但我们不想让他们知道这是啥 怎么了
All right. Here, give it back to then. I can just cross it out.
好 来 给我吧 我把它划掉
Wait. Wait. No, I can just--
等一下 等一下 别 我可以
Is that better? Yeah. Um, sure.
有没有好一点 嗯 额 好点了
I don't really work for Michaels, I work for the Ellen DeGeneres Show.
其实我不是Michaels的工作人员 我是艾伦秀的员工
So we're doing we're doing a hidden camera piece.
Oh. So there's hidden cameras up here.
哦 摄像头在那儿
You wanna wave to the camera? That explains it. Yeah.
Way less of a reaction than I hoped for, but great.
你们的反应也太平淡了吧 不过很好
Adam, thank you so much.
Adam 谢谢你
If you still have wrapping, get yourselves some Scotch tape and get going.
如果你还有包装纸 那就买卷透明胶带开始包装吧