Nonetheless, by the late 1970s, candidates releasing their tax returns became common practice. So, what would a tax return reveal about Donald Trump?
Well, the documents would show his income, which he has been accused of vastly overstating, as well as his many business ventures, which few people know the actual success and scope of. But experts say that the most significant and perhaps damning reveal would be his donated assets.
Trump has repeatedly boasted about his charitable giving, claiming to have donated more than $100 million dollars to charity, even calling himself an "ardent philanthropist". However, many have questioned the accuracy of those statements.
If Trump does not release his tax returns, he'll only be the eighth candidate not to do so since 1976. What's more, every president since Jimmy Carter has made their returns public prior to taking office.

In more than one instance, these documents have caused the public to raise an eyebrow. When Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney finally released his tax return under mounting public pressure, they revealed that he had between $20 and $100 million dollars in an Individual Retirement Account.
IRAs are a common way to achieve big tax breaks on savings, however federal law caps an individual's contributions to $30 thousand dollars per year. But in other cases, publicly disclosed tax returns have actually benefitted a candidate.
For example, Bill and Hillary Clinton's 1994 tax returns corroborated the President and First Lady's claims about their controversial Whitewater land deal, and George H.W. Bush's 1991 return revealed that he had donated more than half of his income to charity.
In his defense, Trump has said that he cannot release his tax returns until the IRS finishes an audit of his finances. However, critics have noted that an audit does not bar candidates from disclosing returns, and has not prevented other candidates from doing so in the past. Regardless of Donald Trump's motivation to keep his documents private, the lack of financial transparency is unusual for a presidential candidate.
For those candidates who aren't already wealthy, running for president is actually a pretty good way to make money. Find out how by watching this video. Thanks for checking out Seeker Daily, don't forget to like and subscribe for new videos every day!
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